Part 3 Chapter 2b

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tw: mentions of sex, Ani being annoying, insecurity and jealousy

Zach was Ophelia's boyfriend.

And he was glad to be.


Ophelia had never doubted Zach's feeling for her. She had doubted whether she was good enough for him, and she doubted whether or not her past relationships would ruin her current one with him. But she knew Zach's feeling for her were never in question.

But everyone gets jealous, right?

There's a clear difference between jealousy, and distrust. Distrust and insecurity and the possibility of someone you love finding another.

Ophelia felt all of this because of Chloe.

She wasn't proud of it. This feeling that Zach had less than innocent intentions with his and Chloe's friendship. Ophelia had been glad Chloe wanted to be closer to them, instead of putting all her time and energy into someone like Bryce.

She had welcomed Chloe with friendship and opened arms. But Ophelia felt like Chloe had stabbed her in the back. She remembered exactly when it happened. When she felt the first pang of resentfulness towards the girl.

It was at the end of junior year, right before Ophelia left. During Jessica's speech for student council president.


"Chloe, why don't you sit here with us?" Ophelia invited her. Chloe had been looking around the auditorium aimlessly for someone to sit by. But she didn't have many friends left.

Chloe smiled when she saw Ophelia. She came and sat next to her. "Thanks."

Zach sat next to Ophelia. He leaned over and said, "How have you been?"

"Alright," Chloe said, smiling at him.

Ophelia admired Chloe, happy to see her smiling. She had been rough for a few days. Ever since the trial. Ophelia felt like she understood her, because she's hadn't felt the same either.

Thankfully, she had Zach to get her through everything. She couldn't imagine being in Chloe's shoes, and having to go through everything alone.

"I love your necklace," Chloe complimented.

Ophelia touched the piece of jewelry that she hadn't taken off since she had gotten it from Zach at the Spring Fling.

"Thanks, Zach got it for me."

Chloe smiled at Zach. "You've got great taste."

They were sitting only a few rows back. Zach suddenly put his arm around Ophelia as he watched as Montgomery and his friends took up the front row. Montgomery sat next to Scott. Zach shook his head, not understanding why Scott wanted anything to do with Montgomery anymore. They still acted like best friends.

The auditorium lights shut down, and they began the assembly, which was speeches given so that people would be able to select their student council for the next year.

They listened to a few people talk, before it finally came to Jessica's turn.

"And now I'd like to introduce our next candidate for Liberty president, Jessica Davis." Courtney introduced her.

Ophelia sat up, clapping loudly, smiling as she watched Jessica stand up and take the podium.

Jessica looked nervous up there. Ophelia could tell, because she wasn't wearing her usual confident expressions. Jessica let out a breath of air and began.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now