Chapter 22

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Zach groaned as he set down the weights. He picked up a rag and wiped the sweat off his forehead. School had ended half an hour ago. There was no baseball practice today, only conditioning. The weight room was filled with grunting players. Zach had just worked out his legs. He wiped down his seat, and looked over to see Montgomery across the weight room. He was sitting and doing arm curls.

Zach tried his best to avoid Montgomery that day. Not just because of what he did with Ophelia, but because of what happened before that. Montgomery punched him in the jaw, and Zach still felt it stinging. But when Jeremy called him over at lunch, and he saw the spot open next to Ophelia, he couldn't help it. Luckily, Montgomery didn't seem as mad at him. He just seemed mad at everybody.

He didn't know why Jessica decided to spazz out at lunch. Her behavior always confused him. But at least she had complimented his package in front of Ophelia. It embarrassed him, but maybe it would work in his favor.

Zach watched Montgomery for a moment. He had a lot of weight as he worked out his left arm, more weight than normal. He noticed his teammate struggling and decided to step in.

Zach walked over, nervously. "Hey, man. We're doing legs today, remember?"

Montgomery paused to look up at Zach. He just laughed at him, shaking his head and going back to what he was doing.

Zach said, "I'm just trying to help. You went pretty hard on your arms last session. You're gonna tire yourself out."

Zach flinched as Montgomery suddenly dropped the weight. It hit the ground with a loud thud. Montgomery stood to his feet. He was in a black wifebeater that was completely soaked in his sweat. He was working out a lot more intensely then everyone else. It was supposed to be an easy day. He was doing the most.

"How 'bout you just worry about yourself, man?" Montgomery snapped at him.

Zach scoffed. He had come over as an act of kindness. Honestly, he was guilty. Montgomery did not deserve Ophelia, but Zach regretted kissing her while they were still together. Being cheated on isn't something anyone deserved, not even Montgomery. They used to be friends after all.

But Montgomery's arrogance was unable to be hidden anymore. He used to be able to speak with the man without complications, now everything Montgomery said just disgusted him.

Zach just said, "Whatever, man. Fuck your arm up right before season. See if I care."

Zach turned, but hesitated when he heard Montgomery mutter, "Walk away, pussy..."

He hesitated. Montgomery wasn't worth the fight, so Zach ignored him.

It wasn't until they were in the locker room, changing before going home, that Zach overheard Bryce and Montgomery talking.

Zach did not hear the beginning of the conversation. He honestly didn't care about what they had to say. That is, until he heard Bryce said, "What, so Ophelia's a prude now?"

Zach turned his head slightly to listen.

"I mean, almost three months without fucking? That's rough, man. I told you you should've hooked up with Amber while you were broken up," Bryce continued. Zach rolled his eyes at it, angry at Bryce for suggesting something like that.

"It's not a big deal," Montgomery muttered, trying to brush off Bryce's words.

"So you haven't done anything?" Bryce pushed.

Zach held his breath, waiting for the answer.

"We've made out and shit." Zach almost sighed in relief. "I don't want to push her right now."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now