Part 2 Chapter 1

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Ophelia brushed down her hair, using the mirror she just placed in the center of her locker door. Her locker, mostly empty, only contained a water bottle, two notebooks, and a cup of pencils. It was the first day of sophomore year, and she was excited.

She put the mirror up first, and then pinned up a photo of her and Montgomery just below it. She smiled at it. Her eyes flashed to the mirror, where she saw Montgomery walking up. She didn't turn around, she let him come up behind him.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and lowered his head so they were both seen in the mirror.

"Damn, look at you, O. You want another boyfriend or something?" He motioned to her outfit and face done up with makeup.

"Monty, I am dressing to impress," she told him. She smoothed down her green shirt.

"Me too," he told her, "But I'm just here to impress you." With his free hand, Monty reached into his varsity jacket pocket and pulled out a pink flower. "Here. My little housewarming gift for your locker."

Ophelia turned around with a smile and kissed him on the cheek. She took the flower and put it in the cup of pencils she had. "Very sweet, baby."

The color looked familiar to her. "Where did you get it?"

He shrugged, and leaned against the locker. "Around."

"Around?" She wrinkled her nose in an amusing way. "Did you steal it?"

"Ophelia, Ophelia, Ophelia," he said, shaking his head. "You can't steal nature."

Ophelia smiled, observing the flower. "It's from out front isn't it?"

"Wrong. It's from a house I passed on the way in. They had tons, they won't miss it."

Ophelia kissed him, this time quickly on the lips. "Well, thank you. I'll keep it forever."

"Hmm," he said, "I don't know how long flowers live. A few years?"

"No," she said, "After being picked they live a few weeks at most. But I'll press it when it starts dying. That'll save it."

"It's really weird you know so much about plant life," he mentioned. "But it's cute too."

"It's weird you don't know that flowers die after being cut," she mentioned. "But it's cute too."


Ophelia smoothed her hair down, staring at herself in the vanity mirror. She was in her room, finishing her makeup before school. She wore it simple that day. Foundation and mascara. She stood, her dress falling, resting just below her knees. It was a button up dress, short sleeves. Dark blue.

Her door creaked open. Her father stepped in. He looked her over. "You look beautiful, mija."

She smiled softly. "Thanks, dad."

He told her, "Your boyfriend is downstairs."

Her father looked slightly upset, as usual. He didn't like the fact that Ophelia couldn't drive, and that she had to either walk or rely on someone to take her to school.

Ophelia asked, "Can you send him up?"

He looked unconvinced.

"I'll leave the door open, dad."

He thought about it. "Alright. I don't want you two upstairs for more than fifteen minutes, alright?"

"Of course."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now