Part 2 Chapter 4

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"Are you a virgin?"

Ophelia looked at Hannah like she was crazy.

"What did you just ask me?"

Hannah didn't seem to pick up on Ophelia's tone. "Have you ever had sex?"

"Of course," Ophelia told her. "I told you, my boyfriend's an athlete. Those boys are horny as hell."

Hannah chuckled. "I know, I know. But I've met a few that aren't. And you seem...modest. I didn't know if you were waiting or something."

Ophelia laughed with her. "You can be modest and sexually active. At least, I am."

The two girls were sitting in the school library. It was study hall, and they were sharing a table. Hannah had scooted closer to Ophelia to make sure no one heard them.

"Was it scary?" Hannah whispered. "Loosing your virginity?"

Ophelia thought about it. "No. It wasn't scary the first time. But it was scary after that."

Hannah frowned. "What do you mean?"

Ophelia tried to explain. "I mean, I never felt pressured to do anything. But after having sex for the first time, I feel like it was something that became expected, ya know? Like I couldn't just make out with my boyfriend anymore. It would always have to lead to sex."

Hannah frowned. "Even if you didn't want it to?"

"No!" Ophelia said quickly. "I've never had to do anything I didn't want to. The point is once you do'll want to keep doing it. So make sure you're ready, because after your first time everything is different."

"Hmm.." Hannah bit her thumb.

Ophelia leaned is, and raised her eyebrows up and down humorously. "Got anyone in mind?"

Hannah laughed. "Maybe. Maybe not."

"Oh please share," Ophelia said.

"I will if it goes anywhere," Hannah told her.

Ophelia shrugged. "Alright. You better remember."

The bell rang above them. Ophelia collected her stuff.

"I'll see you tonight, right?"

"Of course," Hannah said. "I let my mom know you were coming."

Ophelia was excited for their sleepover. It was Friday night, and Montgomery had an away game so he would be gone all night anyway, so she had no problem hanging out with her.

Ophelia exited the library. She saw her boyfriend down the hall, laughing and joking with friends. She bit her lip, remembering the conversation she had with Hannah. The need for sex after your first time.

Ophelia found herself picking up the pace. Montgomery nodded to her as she walked over. He excused himself from his friends and made his way towards her.

"What's up, bebe?" he greeted. He moved to put a arm over her shoulder, but she grabbed his hand instead.

He was confused as she pulled him hand.

"Woah, what are we doing?"

She stopped in front of the boys bathroom. She smiled, "What do you think?"

Montgomery froze, looking between the door and her. "Wait-Really?"

She bit her lip, nodding. A spark of spontaneity and lust overwhelming her.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now