Part 5 Chapter 5

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a/n: this was a photo edit made by SilverRose98 with a fc she liked !! I love all the quotes they're so accurate to the characters !!

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a/n: this was a photo edit made by SilverRose98 with a fc she liked !! I love all the quotes they're so accurate to the characters !!

tw: very small mentions of parental neglect, abuse, sexual content, and death

It wasn't on the graduation invitation.

Mrs. Tristano was the one who made them. She designed the invitations and sent them out.

'Ophelia Tristano's Graduation'

Ophelia wasn't sure how it worked for every family, but for hers, invitations were big deals. They were sent out to everyone, even those you knew wouldn't be able to make it. Invitations were life updates, letting relatives know what milestones was going on. For Honor's last birthday party, her mother wrote paragraphs and paragraphs talking about her. Ophelia's graduation invitation simply had the date and time.

There was no mention that she'd be receiving the Valedictorian award. Obviously, Ophelia knew she shouldn't expect it to be on the invite. It made sense that it wasn't, since she hadn't received the award yet. But Ophelia thought her mother would want to show her off.

It'd be on the invitation if Honor was getting it.

It wasn't a big deal she kept telling herself. But for some reason, she couldn't drop it. The day after the invites were sent out, she found herself approaching her mother's room. She normally didn't bother her mother at all, especially when she was in bed. But this feeling was itching.

Ophelia took a deep breath. She walked toward the door. She stopped just at the doorway, pushing the cracked door open further. "Mom.."

Mrs. Tristano was sitting up in her bed, reading a book with the bedside lamp. She paused to look at her daughter. "Good morning."

She was too scared to come right out and say what was wrong. So she started slow. "Has anyone RSVP'd for my graduation yet?"

She tsked, with a slight shake of her head. "I just sent those out yesterday, Ophelia."

"Yeah, I know..." She fidgeted. "They probably haven't gotten to anyone, huh?"

"Mail doesn't move that fast." After saying this, Mrs. Tristano looked back at her book.

"J-Just wondering," Ophelia got out. "You know, since I'm the first one graduating in a while. People might be excited."

There came a bland, "Maybe."

She took a step back, now just outside her mother's doorway.

"They'll probably be real excited to see I'm Valedictorian," Ophelia mumbled, unable to find a natural way to work this in. "You didn't put it on the invite. Is it a surprise?"

Without looking up, "No. They'll just find out when they're here."

More fidgeting. "It's a big deal. I almost didn't get it." She tried to say lightly, "But I did in the end. I stayed home that whole week, remember? Didn't go anywhere after school so I could catch up on everything."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now