Part 4 Chapter 9a

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tw: mentions of sexual assault, heavy topics

a/n: I feel like this chapter kind of shows the worst in a few of the characters. Just due to stress/fear a lot of them act out a bit more. Don't hate them though 😭 and yes to those who asked again, Ophelia is not in this chapter at all


Scott's leg didn't stop shaking. And his heart didn't stop pounding in his chest. The waiting room chair was uncomfortable. The room was silent.

So, uncomfortably silent.

He clenched his jaw.

"How long have you known?"

Justin picked his head up, looking at Scott who sat across from him. He mumbled a, "What?"

"How long have you know she was pregnant?" Scott asked him, blankly. He sat up more, crossing his arms.

Justin hesitated. He didn't know what to say, because he honestly didn't know what Ophelia had told him already. So he went with, "What makes you think I knew?"

Scott just stared at him.

"You fucking knew."

Running his hands over his face, Justin sighed. No point in hiding it now. It was out already, wasn't it? "I was there when she found out. Back in November."

"November?" He barely whispered the word. November. He saw her in November. "When November?"

"Early November."

Right. So when they went out to eat, Thanksgiving break, she knew she was pregnant.

She knew she was pregnant.

Montgomery's funeral. She was pregnant. She knew she was pregnant.

'I don't really drink anymore, Scott'.

His face was blank.

She was pregnant at Bryce's funeral. She just didn't know it.

Justin gulped. "Look, Scott, she didn't want anyone to know-"

"People knew," Scott said, his jaw still clenched. "Diego knows, doesn't he?"

The younger boy hesitated. Scott took that as his answer.

"You were there when she found out," Scott said. "Why were you there? She went with you to take a pregnancy test?"

"She fainted," Justin explained. "Back in November. I took her to the hospital. That's how they found out."

"Why would they let you in the room?" he asked, his eyes narrowed. "Why were they letting you hear all that shit? Why'd they think you were her fucking husband?"

"Because I lied and said she was my wife," Justin snapped at him. "So I could find out what's going on. You have a fucking problem with that, Scott?"

He just shook his head. But his eyes stayed hard. "No problem."

Justin sat back further in his seat.


The doors opened. Marisa came in, Estella and Tyler beside her. Her shoes were loud as she stomped in the hard hospital told. "What the actual fuck is going on? They ended the drill and people were saying Ophelia was taken by ambulance?"

"Is the baby okay?" Tyler asked, immediately.

Estella winced. Her eyes fell on Scott nervously. "Tyler, don't-"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now