Chapter 10

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"Let's do something."

Montgomery looked away from his phone, and to his girlfriend who laid with her head on the opposite end of the couch.

"Do something?" He asked, "You told me we couldn't leave until your parents got home."

Ophelia nodded, sitting up on the coach. She scooted next to Montgomery, and tried to take a peek at his phone. He clicked it off. She giggled.

"Let's do something here" she specified, with a suspicious smile.

Montgomery shrugged, "Wanna makeout?"

She rolled her eyes. "Actually, I went out and bought something for the occasion."

Ophelia got off her coach and went to grab something from her bag.

The first thing that jumped to Montgomery's mind was 'condoms'. But he knew there was no way in hell that's what Ophelia had in her bag. He doubted she even knew where to buy them, or what the box looked like.

He watched curiously as she pulled something out of her bag. He focused on it. A DVD.

"What's that?"

She grinned. "The first Harry Potter movie."

Montgomery grounded. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

She took her seat on the coach next to him again, "C'mon, I've never seen them before. Let's do a movie marathon."

"Hell fucking no" he told her, "if Bryce found out I watched that shit I'd never hear the end of it."

Ophelia told him, "Justin watches it. Zach watches it. Marcus has too."


"Please" she whined, "this can be our thing. We can watch them all together."

Montgomery shook his head.

She scoffed, "Monty. Come on!"

"Fine!" he hollered, "But I'm not buying any of these. There's like fucking seventeen of them."

Ophelia just laughed, and stood up to put the first movie in the DVD player.


It had taken Ophelia almost an entire month to decide she was going to break up with Montgomery. Yet, it had taken Montgomery less than a week to convince her to give him another chance.

Ophelia couldn't help it. It was easy to be mad at him when he wasn't there. But actually being with him? Seeing him? Smelling him? Hearing his voice? She couldn't resist any of it. It was like Ophelia was under his spell. And he knew she was.

Bryce had been surprisingly ecstatic to learn that Montgomery and Ophelia had reunited. He requested the four of them, including him and Rebecca(his current girlfriend), went to go see a movie together. A double date to celebrate.

Ophelia sat next to Montgomery at the Cresmont. Her hand was held tightly in his. She found herself unable to pay attention to the pictures shown on the big screen. She knew Montgomery wasn't paying attention either. Bryce and Rebecca, who sat one row above them, definitely were not.

Ophelia wasn't looking, but she could hear their intense make out session going on behind her.

It made her nervous. Especially since her and Montgomery were sitting so close. His bouncing knee rubbed against her leg.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now