Part 2 Chapter 13a

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"Get him the fuck out of here!"

Scott stumbled away from Montgomery's Jeep, surprised to see him so upset about him being there.

Scott and Ophelia just arrived at the hospital parking lot, and found Montgomery parked near the back. He had the top on his Jeep, so it gave him a lot more privacy. Privacy which he was using to try to stitch up a large gash in his arm. By himself...

Ophelia had thrown the drivers side door open, and came to see the gash in his arm was a lot worse than she thought. The cut in his arm went from his wrist, and then halfway down his forearm. His arm was purple, around more than just the cut, and it looked like it really, really hurt.

So much that Montgomery was crying from the pain. And it was humiliating. Again, Montgomery didn't cry much in front of people. He had become emotional with Scott a few days ago, after he came to the hills with Ophelia and made sure he was okay.

But he hadn't seen him crying. Montgomery didn't want anyone else to see him crying. No one but Ophelia.

So he yelled at Scott to leave.

"Monty, he's here to help you," Ophelia defended him. "What the actual fuck do you think you're doing out here? You don't know how to stitch anything, you can't even sew."

The tears caused by the pain stayed on his face. He wasn't crying out, but letting out yells of pain and discomfort.

"Come on, Monty. Let me help you inside," Scott urged, trying to convince Montgomery to leave his vehicle.

"I can't," Montgomery seethed through gritted teeth. He brought his hand away from his face.

"Holy shit!" Scott yelled.

Ophelia was just as concerned. "Monty, what happened?"

She grabbed his face. He had a huge bruise by his eye, reaching up to his forehead. Purple veins stuck out. Someone hurt him. Badly.

"My dad came after me with a fucking hammer," he told her. He groaned again as another shot of pain went through his arm. "I guess one of his clients at work cancelled on him because of what I fucking said in court."

Ophelia glanced again at his arm. "And your arm?"

"The hammer," he repeated. "He caught me with the other end."

"Monty, this is ridiculous, you need to get inside," Scott told him.

Montgomery was humiliated because he was so weak in front of Scott. He said again, "Ophelia, fucking get him out of here!"

Ophelia turned back to Scott, and pushed him back slightly.

"Just wait over here," she said to him, "Let me calm him down."

Scott started, "Ophelia, he needs to fucking go inside-"

"I know, I know," she told him quickly. "Just give me a minute, okay? I can make him go in."

Scott sighed, but he trusted her. He stayed back.

"Do it quickly," he pleaded. "He could fucking bleed out."

Ophelia went back to the Jeep. "Monty," she said sternly. "We're going inside."

"No!" He insisted. "If we go inside, I'll have to tell them what happened. And then my dad'll find out and I'll just got it worse when I get home."

"This is serious!" Ophelia told him. "You could die! If not die, your arm could get infected, and you could fucking lose it."

"I'm not gonna fucking die," he told her. "That's why I'm here. I'll try fixing it myself, and if I get lightheaded, or it doesn't work, I'll go inside."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now