Part 5 Chapter 1

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a/n: hey guys! I know a lot of people assumed the last chapter was the end, but I actually had a small part 5 planned and a short epilogue. However, since I will be following the storyline of the show, I understand if some of you stop reading at the last chapter : )

Ophelia stared at Scott, the moon light peeking through the window and lighting up his skin. Had it not been so late, she'd want to touch him, to wake him up so she could see that handsome smile she adored so much. But it was nearly four in the morning, far too late to be waking him up just for the gun of it.

They got to the apartment just after midnight. Her and Scott had been...preoccupied for a while after that. She awoke from her sleep when hearing rustling in the hallway bathroom. Wanting to let Scott get a good night's sleep, she stood up, putting a robe over herself, and quietly leaving the room.

The sounds came from the bathroom down the hall. She got to it, and turned the handle, testing to see if it was unlocked. It was. Slowly, she pushed it open. "Hello?" She gasped. "Oh, god, Justin. Oh, no."

He was hunched over, vomiting into the toilet.

"Oh, no. Oh-" She kneeled down. "Justin, are you alright?"

He seemed embarrassed to be caught. "I'm fine, O. I think I just drank too much."

"Oh, no," she kept saying. She touched his shoulder, rubbing it, not sure how to help him. "Why can I do?"

"Nothing," Justin said. His eyes dropped with tiredness. "But it's fine. I'll pass out in a minute and sleep it off."

"How about some something for the nausea?" She suggested. "Medicine?"

Justin laid down on the bathroom floor, bunching up the carpet mat as a pillow. "I'm okay. I swear."

Ophelia stayed sitting next to him. "At least turn over so if you vomit you don't choke."

He laughed, but did as she asked. He laid facedown now. "Goodnight, prom Queen."

She sighed. "Goodnight, prom king."

"I'm glad they voted for us," Justin mumbled. "It's like they knew we're married."

She smiled. "They must've."

"Go to sleep, O," he told her. "Really, I'm fine. More then fine." He glanced at her. "Especially since I get to see that lingerie you showed Marisa and not me."

"What?" Ophelia looked down and saw the robe had come undone in the top middle. Nothing was showing, just the blue lace between her cleavage. "Oh!" She fixed it quickly, closing the tone tightly. "If I knew I'd be taking care of someone on the ground I would've put something nicer on."

"If I knew the prom Queen would sneak into the bathroom with me, I would've put something nicer on."

Ophelia shook her head. She went to the kitchen, and brought back stomach medicine and water bottles. She placed them next to Justin. "I'll come check on you in the morning."

He faced the ground still, mumbling, "M'kay. Love you, O."

She smiled, warmly. "Love you, Justin. See you tomorrow."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now