Chapter 18

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It had been weeks since the Winter Formal. Ophelia's nose was healing nicely. It no longer hurt unless she touched it. She didn't have to wear a bandage either. It was no longer broken, only bruised. She was able to hide the bruises now with makeup. It looked good, almost perfect. Almost like it never happened.

Montgomery invited people over to his house that Sunday because his father was gone. His mother was gone also, but that wasn't as strange. She leaves for weeks at a time, at least twice a month. Montgomery didn't like talking about his mother, so Ophelia never asked why she left.

Ophelia told her mom she was staying with Hannah for the night, because she planned to stay at Montgomery's. Ophelia's mom had no idea her Hannah were not on speaking terms.

Not since she confronted her at school.

Ophelia cleared her mind of that event, instead focusing on her boyfriend in front on her, who was now playing videos games with a couple friends.

Bryce was there. He's the one that brought over the console for Montgomery to borrow for the weekend. Scott was there, as was Anthony, Carlos, and Justin. They were all on the baseball team except for Justin.

"Hey, Jessica didn't want to come?" Ophelia asked Justin. She was hoping for another female to talk to while the boys played their video games.

"Nah, she's sleeping already. She has cheer practice tomorrow morning or something" Justin said. He was not playing the game, just drinking and watching.

"Mmm" Ophelia nodded.

Montgomery elbowed her, laughing. "I'm not enough for you, baby girl?"

She laughed too. "Of course you are," she said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Gross!" Scott piped up, "Stop acting like my parents."

Montgomery scoffed, and laughed, "Your parents can't fuck like us, Scotty."

The boys all let out a loud "ooooh". Scott said, "Damn, Monty, I don't want to picture my parent fucking at all."

He stuck out his tongue. "Just picture us then."

Ophelia stiffened. Montgomery spoke in a joking attitude, but that didn't stop each of the boys there from glancing at her. They tried to do it subtly, so she wouldn't notice, but she did.

Justin's eyes flickering down her legs, which were bare due to the fact she wore a skirt. Scott's eyesight pausing on her chest. The other boys doing a once over before looking back at the game. Then there was Bryce. He looked her up and down and made eye contact with her, before smirking and looking away.

Ophelia cleared her throat and stood up. "I'm going to go lay down for a while. I'm tired."

"Alright," Montgomery said, not thinking much of it. He did not notice how the boys in the room watched her ass while she left, due to his prior comments.

Ophelia changed in the pajamas she brought from home and crawled in Montgomery's bed. She snuggled up with one of his pillows, completely happy to be holding something that smelled like him. She had only rested her eyes for about twenty minutes before she heard Montgomery come in. She assumed he just came in to grab something, so she didn't turn around.

But he turned her. She saw him drink a few beers while she was out there, but now he smelled like he drank vodka.

"Hey, come here," he murmured. He pulled the blanket she had off of her.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now