Chapter 19

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Montgomery was Ophelia's first real boyfriend. She had a few in middle school, but she didn't kiss any of them. She did, however, kiss her homecoming date freshmen year. Just once, at the dance. He was her first kiss, and then after that she had Montgomery. He was her first everything else.

She was the first boy she ever slept with. She was glad he was. He had been with two girls before her. She never felt compelled to want to sleep with anyone else but him, not even when they were broken up.

But then she slept with Zach.

Not sexually, of course. But they slept together that night, after she told him all about Rep Night, and all about Montgomery, and Hannah. Ophelia remember laying down to rest her eyes, and the next thing she knew, she was waking up to a buzzing sound. Zach was next to her. His arms were wrapped around her, and her head was pressed against his chest.

The buzzing continued, and it woke her completely. She turned over, grabbed her phone, and saw Montgomery was calling her.

"Oh my god!" she shouted. She fell out of her bed, catching her phone and answering it. "H-Hello?"

"Ophelia, what the fuck are you doing in there? I'm outside."

Ophelia stood up, looking through her window and spotting Montgomery's Jeep in the driveway.

"Shit!" she cursed to herself. "Look, I'm running a little late. Give me five minutes."

"Hey, can I come in?" he asked.

"No! I mean-just five minutes! I'll be right there!"

Ophelia hung up the phone. Zach, who was now waking up, said, "What?"

She slapped his chest, pushing him back in the bed. "Stay down! Monty's outside! He'll see you!"

"Huh?" He looked at the clock to see that school would be starting in half an hour. "Fuck!"

Ophelia ran to her closet and grabbed out black denim jeans and a dark green hoodie. She grabbed the hem of her shirt, lifting it to her bellybutton before looking back at Zach, who was staring right at her.

"Do you mind?"

He looked away quickly. She threw on the clothes. And then a leather jacket over it.

"Okay," she said. Zach looked back at her, fascinated with how quickly she became so beautiful.

"Can I get up?" he asked. "I have to get ready too."

"You can get up when I say you can," she snapped at him, "Monty is right outside! If he sees us..." She didn't finish. Instead, he grabbed her backpack off her desk chair, grabbed a comb off her desk, and ran out of her room.

"Hey!" Zach called after her.

She looked back. "Shhh! I'll text you when we're gone. Go out the window. Don't let anyone see you!"

"Jesus Christ" she heard him mutter as she ran downstairs.

She made it to Montgomery's Jeep quickly.

"Hey, Beautiful," he greeted her, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey, babe," she said, huffing from being out of breath.

He gave her a once over. "You okay?"

"Perfect." She took her hair out a bun and combed it through as they drove to school. She texted Zach to give him the all clear.

"Hey, so I'll be back in a few days," he told her, excited. "You won't be having to eat lunch alone anymore."

"I don't," she admitted. "I eat with Tony."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now