Chapter 1

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The day Ophelia met Hannah Baker was two days after the Alex Standall's list was spread around the school.

It was at the movie theater, not at school. Which makes sense, because Ophelia couldn't see herself ever holding a conversation with the the Hannah Baker the rumors had told her about. But at the movie theater, that was where the real Hannah was.

Ophelia could remember the crisp conversation like it had just happened.

Walking up to the concession counter, Ophelia could feel herself slow in step. Clay Jensen was here. She wouldn't have come if she had known that. She specifically came here because she thought she wouldn't have to worry about anyone from school seeing her.

She considered walking back into the theater, but Clay had already seen her, and it would be too awkward if she went back now.

So she stood at the concession stand.

"Hi" she said, awkwardly.

"Ophelia Tristano" Clay greeted in a friendly voice, "What can I get for you?"

"Two regular sodas, please." She added, "And a large popcorn."

"Coming right up. What flavors?"

"Coke and Diet Coke."

Clay took a step to the popcorn machine. "Hannah, we need two regular sodas. Coke and Diet."

Hannah Baker appeared from behind the candy dispenser. "You got it."

Ophelia but her lip. Two people from school. How could she manage to find a theater with two people from school working there? Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker of all people.

Hannah set the drinks in front of her.

"Ophelia, right?"

She nodded.

"You're in my English" Hannah stated. "I've seen you around too."

"Yeah" Ophelia agreed, "I've seen you too."

"So who you here with?" she asked boldly.

She said, "Just my boyfriend."

Hannah nodded, but looked eager for more. A cheery smile appeared on her face as she asked, "Who is...?"

"He goes to our school" Ophelia said, "But I'm not sure if you know him."

Hannah leaned back with humorous suspicious. "Mystery guy, huh? It's cool, I don't gotta know. Not now, at least. But trust me when I say I'll be noticing which guys your talking to at school."

Ophelia chuckled at this. "I'll watch out for you."

"You'll never see me coming" Hannah said, "I've seen at least five movies involving spies so...I'm pretty much an expert at being one."

Ophelia laughed again. "If you say so."

Clay pushed the popcorn down the counter her way.

"How much I owe you?" she asked.

Hannah shook her head, "Relax, girl. We got you."

She was surprised. "Really?"

"Of course. Us Liberty Highers gotta stick together, right?"


Clay added, "Right."

Hannah laughed.

A part of Ophelia is glad that the tapes came out. If they didn't, she might spend the rest of her life wondering how Hannah could have killed herself. How that happy, bubbly girl at the movie theater possibly could have killed herself.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now