Part 3 Chapter 10a

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tw: sexual content, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of abuse

"Ophelia Tristano! Take a seat, please."

Ophelia smiled as she sat down, excited for the upcoming conversation.

Mr. Porter closed the door behind him, and led her to a chair across from his desk.

Ophelia sat, and brought her backpack into her lap, opening it up. She took out her latest report card, and handed it to him.

"My grades from last year," she told him with a smile. "All A's. I almost have that now too. Just one B. I'm sure I can work it up."

Mr. Porter smiled. "It's only September, Ms. Tristano. I'm sure you have plenty of time."

Ophelia shrugged. "I know, I know. It's better to push myself the whole time, though. That way I don't make any mistakes."

Mr. Porter's smile faltered slightly. "It's good to strive to be the best you can be, but remember, you have plenty of time."

Well, that wasn't what her mother seemed to think.

It was the second month into junior year, and Mr. Porter was calling people into the office to ask if they were interested in opportunities to build a college resume. While some already started, it was best to collect as many things possible to prove yourself to colleges.

"Now, I'm sure you're interested in after school community service."

Ophelia nodded, smiling. She held up a finger to say. "Yes, the one directly after school." She brought her hands back down, collapsing them together. "It's perfect. Monty's at practice at that time. Then we both get out at the same time."

He recognized the name of her troublemaker boyfriend. He was in the office more often.

Mr. Porter was writing her name down. "Well, thats very thoughtful of you to consider him in your schedule."

Ophelia felt Montgomery was her entire schedule. Whatever she did, she did it during his busy parts of the day. Her free time was spent with him.

"I'm really looking forward to next year," Ophelia told him. "I'm so excited for the college tours Liberty takes us on."

Mr. Porter smiled. "I'm glad you're looking for every opportunity. But you still have a full year before that happens. Let's start with junior year first. Now, we'll make sure your classes align with what you want on your applications, alright?"

Ophelia just nodded. Her smile never disappeared. She was so excited. College seemed a thousand years away, yet, she couldn't wait to go.

She couldn't wait to live in the dorms, away from her parents. She would be near Montgomery. Everyday. And her parents couldn't interfere any longer.

"What colleges do you have your heart set on?"

Ophelia brushed it off with a grin. "I don't have my heart set on any. I'm just planning on applying to all the ones in state. My mom already told me not to worry about admission fees."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now