Chapter 3

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"Wait, wait, wait" Ophelia had to hold back her laughter, "You were the one who used to go to Monet's with Jessica and Alex?"

"Yup" Hannah said, popping the 'p' at the end.

Ophelia laughed. "Oh, I feel so bad. I used to see them when they were together. They couldn't keep they're hands, or lips, to each other."

Hannah chuckled. "They did seem really into each other." She mumbled, "Not that I had seen much of it."

The two of them were seated in Communications class. They were talking idly, waiting for the bell to ring so they could leave. These chats were one of the sole reasons they moved from acquaintances to friends.

Hannah cleared her throat, "Speaking of couples, I would like to guess for a clue as to who your boyfriend might be."

Ophelia rolled her eyes playfully. "You couldn't have given up already."

"Not given up" she said quickly, "I just...need help."

Ophelia chuckled. "Okay fine." She leaned forward, thinking. "He's...tall."

Hannah tutted. "Every guy here is tall, aside from Tony, that doesn't help. Give me a hint on his name."

"His name?" Ophelia thought. "Okay, I got one. His last name is foreign."

Hannah nodded. "Foreign last name, got it. Anything else you're willing to spill?"

Ophelia nodded. "His hair is hot."

Hannah chuckled. "His hair is hot?"

"Hot, hot hair."

Hannah couldn't keep herself from laughing.

It took Sheri one night to listen to the tapes.

Ophelia was able to tell that she finished because of the way she acted the next day at school.

Sheri smiled at her in the hallway, something she hadn't done since they had their falling out. She didn't try talking to her, so she counted that as a win. Sheri wanted to ignore it and forget it happened. That was one thing the two of them had in common.

But Sheri finishing the tapes really only meant one thing to Ophelia. Clay would have them next. She knew what he would do. He'd try to 'help' her. He'd try to be 'supportive'. Ophelia rolled her eyes at the thought.

It was Friday already. She had already endured an entire week of 'support'. Montgomery had been the worst to avoid. She had blocked his number, and blocked him on all social media. He had even messaged her on Justin's instagram account.

'It's Monty. Let's talk.' She would never respond.

Usually, she was good at blending in, and not being the center of attention. But she wasn't as fortunate anymore. Especially as Clay walked into school that day sporting a pair of large headphones, drilling holes into the back of Justin's head.

He had just begun. And the others wanted to make sure he kept his mouth shut throughout his listening.

Which is why Justin had cornered her at his locker. Because of Clay.

"Jessica, Zach, and me are meeting up at Bryce's house. Alex is supposed to meet us there too. Do you need a ride?"

Ophelia stared at him, dumbfounded. "Excuse me?"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now