Part 4 Chapter 4a

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tw: mentions of past assault

a/n: in the show, there were a few weeks between the college tour and the Valentine's Day dance, so chapters 4a and 4b will take place in that time period :)

"Hurry, Ophelia."

She did.

Ophelia didn't even get dressed. She just threw on leggings with her sleeping shirt. She ran downstairs, grabbing her car keys, running out to her car. She didn't wait for the car to warm up before peeling out of her drive way.

Her hands shook, and she had trouble keeping the wheel straight. She wanted to call Estella, but she had said to text her. Maybe calling would get her in trouble.

Impatiently, Ophelia waited until she got into Estella's neighborhood. She parked in front of her house, and whipped out her phone, quickly sending the text.


She felt her heart beating in her throat. Each second was painful. Ophelia couldn't think of anything other than what was going on inside that house. Her fingers continuously hit against the steering wheel as she waited.

Her breath was short and deep. She was feeling lightheaded. She kept her eyes on the door.

Nothing, nothing.

Nothing was happening.

She was scared now. Should she go in?

Absolutely no movement at the front door at all.

For a moment, she feared Montgomery coming out and seeing her. Then she reminded herself, Montgomery was dead.

And for some reason, she missed that fear. She would take it over the remembrance of his parting any time.

She texted Estella again.


She undid her seatbelt, her hand on the door handle, ready to rush to the front door, when suddenly-

Knock, knock.

Ophelia screamed, and whipped around. Estella stood outside the driver's side window. Ophelia unlocked the car. Estella threw the door open, getting into the backseat and slamming it shut again. She had on a backpack.

"Drive," Estella whispered, laying down in the back seat.

Ophelia didn't need to be told twice. She peeled out of there. It wasn't until they were out of the neighborhood that Estella sat up.

"Thank you," Estella breathed. To which Ophelia replied, "P-Put your seatbelt on." Estella did as told.

"What happened?" Ophelia asked her.

"My dad caught one of my moms boyfriends," Estella said, as though it was a usual occurrence.

"And?" Ophelia pressed.

"And he got pissed. He-He started throwing things. I had to crawl out my bedroom window and come out my neighbor's yard."

"Jesus," Ophelia breathed. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"No," Estella said. "I just...Monty usually takes me out of the house when they start fighting like this."

A thick silence fell through the car.

"Can you take me to his place in the hills?" Estella asked.

Ophelia frowned. "Absolutely not."


"I know a place we can stay," Ophelia told her. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

"We?" Estella questioned. "No, you don't have to-"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now