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photo cred: SilverRose98 editing in her fc for ophelia :)

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photo cred: SilverRose98 editing in her fc for ophelia :)

a/n: I really want to apologize for how long this epilogue took. I got a lot of anxiety about releasing it because I was so worried about forgetting something or making people dislike the ending. It was hard to edit because I kept getting anxious and needing days of breaks. But you guys didn't deserve it and I'm sorry for that.

I wrote this a little different than most chapters. There's a few cut scene of explanations for where I think some characters would've ended up in the real show. Sorry if the format is confusing, I can change it if it's unliked

Thank you to all my commenters. I'll post one more author's note expressing my full gratitude for you guys. I really love you all.

If I missed anything feel free to ask! I have everything thought out but feel free to comment or message me in case I forgot to write something in. I love getting your messages !!

tw: mentions of past abuse, mentions of past sexual assault

-ten years later-

It wasn't even summer yet, but it already was blazing hot outside. Ophelia had the AC cranked onto full blast, but the sun still shined through the window, hitting her. She groaned. Traffic was horrible today. She glanced at the clock. She was barely going make it in time.

Finally, after nearly thirty minutes of traffic, she got to the elementary school. She practically ran inside. They were outside in the back, playing on the playground. "Hi! Hi! I'm here! I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm here!" The boy she called out to wasn't paying attention. He was playing tetherball. She tried, "JT, come on!"

A school teacher stood by the door. She checked her watch, an annoyed look on her face. "Pickup is at two thirty, Mrs. Reed."

"I know, I know," Ophelia said. "Sorry, I had to stop by a bakery after work, it closed at three."

The excuse didn't seem to satisfy the older woman. She grumbled something under her breath, and then called out, "Justin! Your mom's here!"

JT finally looked over, and spotted her. He smiled. He said a quick goodbye to the boy he was playing with, and grabbed his backpack off the ground, sprinting over to her like he was trying to show the whole playground how fast he was.

He jabbed his thumb behind him. "Mom! That's Ivan! I invited him to the party, is that okay?"

"Oh, sure," she breathed, signing a quick paper provided by the teacher to check JT out of school. She then placed her hand on his shoulder. "Let's go."

"You're late today," JT said to her. They stepped out towards the car. "I was, like, the last kid." He said it like he was amused. Because he was. His mother was such a punctual person, he thought it was funny how frazzled she was when late.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now