Part 2 Chapter 5

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Ophelia was laughing while she was walking, holding her phone to her ear and talking to Zach.

"Zach, I swear to god I didn't watch it. I don't know why it says resume on Netflix but it wasn't me."

Ophelia was out in the city by herself. Her mother had sent her to pick up a few things for her and Honor's upcoming DC trip, and some of the items had to be bought at bigger chain stores.

She had been able to find everything, and decided to stop at a coffee shop called Hamlin's that she had never tried before. While in line, Zach called her. He noticed a movie they wanted to watch together had already been started on his account, and accused her of starting it without him.

"Zach, I have my own account. Why would I have logged into yours just to watch that movie," she giggled.

She brought the phone down, and made her quick order before picking it back up.

She continued laughing as she said, "Zach, go ask your mom is something. I wouldn't do that to you. I swear."

Zach stepped away, and once he came back, he announced that it was, in fact, his mother that watched it.

"And do I get my apology?" she joked.

He apologized.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit. I love you. Bye."

Ophelia waited for her coffee, all the while thinking about Zach. She sighed, happily. Things were going so well with him. She hoped they stayed that way.

They had been keeping their relationship to themselves. They would not hide from each other, but at school they did not hold hands or kiss. She wasn't ready for PDA yet, and Zach was okay with it because he didn't want to upset any of his friends. Or Montgomery. She didn't know why Zach still wanted to be friends with Montgomery. She knew he wanted to be able to still be teammates with him, but that didn't mean having to hang out with him outside of school.

"Iced caramel coffee for Olivia!" She heard a barista call out her order.

She went and grabbed it, making no attempt to correct her name. It was messed up far too many times for Ophelia to correct everyone.

She walked out of the coffee shop, and began walking back to her car. She got another notification, and looked down. It was a text from Zach.

'What time will you be able to come over? 💕'

She smiled at his cute emojis. Looking down at her phone, she didn't see a man step out of the building she was passing.

"Shoot!" she yelled. She had ran straight into the man, and her cup collided with her body, bending the lid open and iced coffee splashing all over her shirt. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking! I'm sorry! Are you-"

She stopped suddenly, as she looked up, and locked eyes with Montgomery. She stumbled back, quickly.

"Jesus fucking Christ, O. That's cold as fuck." He patted down the bottom of his shirt, which also had been spilled on.

Ophelia was hesitant. "W-What are you doing here?"

She was nervous. She hadn't been with Montgomery alone since after her deposition, when she confronted him about the photo of him and Hannah in the clubhouse. What really happened in that photo was still a mystery to her, and she was scared to find out what it was.

Montgomery noticed her worry. He hadn't meant to scare her. She was the one who ran into him.

"Hey, calm down, I'm not going to fucking do anything."

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now