Part 2 Chapter 2

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This chapter is kind of sexual so if you're not comfortable with that you can skip it and just message me and I'll summarize what happened!

The car pulled up into Ophelia's driveway quietly. The expensive breaks too new to make a single squeak as he pulled to a stop. He turned the car off, and for a moment, there was only awkward silence.

It was getting dark now. Ophelia's father would expect her home any minute.

Ophelia took off her seatbelt. "I should head in."

Zach nodded, not making eye contact. "Yeah. Of course."

She saw his hesitation and frigidness.

Ophelia debated on saying anything. "Hey...." He didn't look over. "It's okay."

He just nodded.

"Really," she told him, "I hear that can happen to boys. Especially if they play sports and they're stressed out-"

"No," he said quickly, "It's never happened before. Ever."

Ophelia shut her mouth. Her lips formed a straight line. "Alright."

They stayed seated for a few more moments.

"I'm sorry," Ophelia said, suddenly.

Now Zach looked at her. "It wasn't your fault, Ophelia. Trust me, you were not the problem."

She gave a forced smile. "But it's never happened before? Just with me?"

Zach felt terrible. He reached out for her, "Ophelia-"

She leaned away. She grabbed onto his car door handle. "It's alright. I should be heading in."

She pushed the door open. Zach opened his door quickly, meeting her before she got to the door.

"Hey, Ophelia. I'm serious."

"No, I get it," she told him. "You're not the one that should be embarrassed."


"I'll see you tomorrow, Zach."

Ophelia walked into her house and shut the door behind her before he could get another word out. Zach stood there, ashamed and embarrassed before eventually heading home.

Ophelia's father greeted her from the living room. "How was school, mija?"

Ophelia forced herself to give a happy answer. "It was good. I'm gonna go shower and do homework."

"Alright," he said. He was watching a soccer game on television. He paid her no mind as she trudged upstairs and into her bathroom.

She ripped off her dress, taking a makeup wipe and scrubbing at her face. She looked at herself in the mirror. She stood in her underwear. Matching black. She examined her body. She reached behind her, and unclipped her bra. It fell to the ground, and she dropped her panties also. 

She looked only for a few minutes. Then she started crying.

Ophelia turned the shower water on, to drown out her voice. Steam rose from her shower head and eventually fogged up the mirror, preventing herself from staring into it any longer. Maybe that was a good thing.

Ophelia recalled back in November, before her and Zach were dating, when she discovered Bryce had sent him a scandalous picture of her in a bikini.

Her breasts looked so large in the picture. That must have been what he was expecting. And when he actually saw her must have been such a disappointment. Ophelia cried harder.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now