Part 2 Chapter 6a

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Ophelia waited until everyone left the classroom, including Hannah, to walk over to the compliment bags.

It was an odd idea that the teacher had. Leaving compliments for each other? But it was nice, too. It helped. Ophelia never felt like she had a lot of girl friends, but some of the girls in her class left her notes that made her feel more confident in herself as a woman.

She heard Hannah complain that she never received any, so Ophelia thought maybe it would be easier if the note came from the bag.

Ophelia slipped inside the class, and put the note in Hannah's brown bag, and then she left, quickly. That was her last shot. Her last apology to Hannah for not talking to her. For practically forgetting about her.

Ophelia had no idea that Zach saw her put the note in, and that he went back into the classroom and cruelly took it out.

He opened it, wanting to give a quick glance before throwing it away.

He stopped, suddenly. He was confused by the note's cryptic meaning.

'I'm sorry things are awkward. What you saw was a mistake. I promise Monty isn't always like that. Maybe we can have a sleepover and talk about it?'

Zach frowned in confusion. Ophelia was apologizing for Monty? What did Monty do?

It didn't bother him long, though. He just assumed her boyfriend said something stupid, like he always did. He was sure they would end up talking things out in person.

Zach crumpled the note, and threw it away.


Ophelia opened the door to find Zach smiling widely, three bouquets of flowers in his arms.

He was wearing a dark blue button down shirt, tucked into black dress pants.

One bouquet was of roses, one lilies, and one multicolored flowers. He held the roses out to Ophelia. "These are for you."

Ophelia smiled, having to force back the thoughts that were scattered in her head. "Thank you, Zach. These are really nice."

"Is Zach here?" her father called. He came into view behind Ophelia. Zach moved both bouquets to his left hand, so he could shake her father's hand with his right.

"Good evening, Mr. Tristano."

"Come in, come in," her father said, shaking his hand. "Is one of those for me?" He pointed to the flowers.

Zach laughed with him. "Of course. They all are actually."

Ophelia was happy to see they were getting along well. He never said it, but Ophelia thought he might have liked Montgomery better. Probably because he didn't know him as well.

Tony walked up from the living room. "Hey, Dempsey."

Zach nodded. "Hey, Tony."

Zach handed the other two flowers to Ophelia. "The lilies are for your mom, and the others are for Honor."

"They're upstairs still," Ophelia told him. "I'll go give them to them."

Zach offered. "I can come with you."

"It's okay," Ophelia said, quickly. "I'll be right back."

Zach noticed the nervousness in her voice.

Ophelia's father left back to the kitchen.

He stood awkwardly by the door, with Tony, who was much more underdressed.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now