Part 4 Chapter 6a

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a/n: this video is definitely what I feel the vibe would be between Scott and Ophelia after the Spring Fling. She's with Zach, so Scott tries to leave her alone, but can't help still feel for her. And she knows she has some feelings for him but pretends they never existed :( Like they were so close and they had to act like strangers again (also the song choice because Scott will ALWAYS be on Ophelia's side 😭)

tw: mentions of sexual assault, heavy mentions of verbal abuse/manipulation in a flashback


The panic that rose in her was unimaginable.

"I'm sorry," Ophelia whispered, as she shut the bathroom door on Scott, his face just as shocked and scared as hers.

She faintly heard him hiss, "Shit."

Her dad was coming up stairs, soon.

She put her hands on her head, unsure what to do. Oh god, was she really hiding a boy in her room? Her skin was still tingling with his touch, and she had to pretend he wasn't even there.

Looking down at her dress, her eyes widened when she noticed wet spots. They trailed from the top of her collar to the bottom of her stomach. If her father had walked in and seen her like that, she would have dropped dead of humiliation before he could do anything at all. She grabbed a button up cardigan off the back of her door, and hurriedly put it on.

A knock on her door. "Ophelia?"

She rushed to it. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself down, and swung the door open. There stood her dad, showers in his hand.

"Happy Birthday, mija!"

"Dad," Ophelia breathed. For a moment, everything left her mind except for the fact that her dad was now standing in front of her. "You're home!"

For a moment, Ophelia forgot about Scott in her bathroom completely. She thought only about the fact that her father was here. Finally here. After her hoping for it for so long.

Hurrying forward, she gave her dad a long hug, which made her forget about all the pain she felt when he was gone.

"Of course I'm home," he told her, pulling away. "It's your birthday!"

Ophelia used to think that when her father did finally come home, she wouldn't accept him so easily. She'd ask why he left for so long, why he barely called. But Ophelia forgot about that. She didn't even care in that moment.

"Where's your mom and sister?" he asked her. His skin was so much darker than when he left. He must have been getting a lot of sun. She bit her lip, because for a moment she wanted to ask if he'd remembered to wear sunscreen, because it was so dangerous not to, but knew she could be too bothersome sometimes.

"They're at her concert," Ophelia said instead. She glanced at the bathroom, suddenly remembering. How had she forgotten for even a moment? "Maybe-Maybe you should go. It's one of the last one's she'll do for a while."

"I didn't realize the year passed by so quick," her father muttered.

She frowned at the statement. It went by fast because he hadn't been there at all.

For her, it had been slow. So, so, angagonzingly slow.

"I've got stuff for you downstairs," he told her, smiling. "Lots of food too, hope you're not too full."

"No," she told him. "Not at all."

"What time does that concert end?" he asked her.

She said quickly, "Not for a while. You should go, Honor would love to see you in the audience." She gulped.

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now