chapter 26

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

I stayed at Zane's house for 2 days because he insisted on me staying I was going to leave today because I didn't want my parents to worry about me. "Zane I have to go" I whined and he groaned. He grabbed my hand then pulled me towards him.

"But why" he whined like a child and I smiled.

"You know how overprotective my dad is, if he doesn't know where I am and being gone for a couple of day he will send guards to find me" I told him and he rolled his eyes then step back. While I was finish getting ready a question popped up in my head.

"How many girls have you been with?" I asked and he looked over at me.

"Why should you ask me that?" He asked and I stopped what I was doing then fold my arms up to my chest. "One and it's only you" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell me Zane I won't be upset" I told him and he looked at me then held his hand out. He started counting his fingers while staring up at the ceiling as if he was trying to remember. I rolled my eyes then started braiding my hair into two.

"Just 5" he said then called out their names. I cocked one eyebrow up then turned towards him.

"So I'm 6?" I asked and walked over to me.

"You're going to be my wife those girls weren't the one. I wanted to be in a long relationship but they either wanted money or sex" he said.

"So how do you know I'm the one" I asked and he smiled.

"Don't worry I know" he said then kissed me. Pushing me up against the wall. I bit down on his lip really hard until it was bleeding. Zane moved back the cocked one eyebrow up.

"What was that for" he asked and I smirked then licked my lips. He touched his lip then saw that blood was on his thumb. He bit his lip then wrapped his finger around my neck. Slapping my ass really hard, I whimpered as it left a stinging pain. "You're being naughty Mia" he said then leaned forward to kiss me. Lifting me off the floor he brought me over to the bed. Zane placed me down and I stared up at him. His eyes had changed into a darker colour. He had the look that says 'I will fuck you hard' just by the thought of it made me moan. He pulled down his pants and was about to pull his boxers down when I placed my hand on his.

"Zane we don't have time for this" I said then pushed him back. He sighed then walked into the bathroom.

Few minutes later he came out. I looked at him and he walked up to me then caressed my cheek. "Let's go" he said and I nodded then grabbed my bag. We left the house, I really wanted to spend more time with Zane but I couldn't. He only come two times a week to my house. I wish he was there with me everyday. We were walking over to Zane's car, he pressed the button to unlock his car then walked up to it. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks then looked around. I wondered why.

"What's wrong Zane" I asked with one eyebrow raised in confusion. I was about to walk up to him but he placed his hand infront of me to stop me from moving. "Zane" I whined then step back.

"I hear a ticking sound Mia" he whispered. "Run" he said and I didn't bother to ask why I just ran. With the blink of an eye Zane pushed me towards the floor. The car exploded and my heart started beating faster. I hit my arm and Zane covered me with his body.

Zane stood up then help me up. We both started coughing. I turned to look at Zane's car and it was destroyed. "I hurt my arm" I paused "what was that?" I asked. Just as he was about to say something a message came into his phone. Looking down at his jaw clenched and unclenched.

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