chapter 21

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours


When Zane approached me I was surprised I thought he followed me here but then he said his dad sent him here which was weird because my grandpa sent me here. I shook the thought away. I was happy to see Zane we hadn't spoken for a while and I really missed his company.

When Rosan approached us it scared me for a minute because I thought Zane was with someone else.
"Zane was she the girl you were looking for? Who is she?" Rosan questioned. I was about to say something when Zane cleared his throat.

"This is my friend Mia" He said and my heart dropped, normally Zane would call me his girlfriend. I guess he's still upset with me. Now I really know how it feels to be friend zoned. Rosan giggled then grabbed my hand. "And Mia this is Rosan my ex-girlfriend" He said, I looked down at the floor then began playing with my fingers.

"Zane let's dance, like old times, I love it when your body is against mine" Rosan giggled then pulled him towards the dance floor. I was so angry right now, I wanted to drag this bitch across the floor. I didn't want her to touch what's mine or even to look at him. I felt the urge to walk over there but I didn't instead I sat down on a stool at the bar. I took a sip of my drink then sighed. I shouldn't have came here, I should've stayed home but my grandpa insisted, now everything is weird between me and Zane.

"Mia, what are you doing here?" Zekel asked as he walked over to me with two girls beside him.

"My grandpa told me to come on this cruise ship if I knew Zane was here I would've stayed home" I said and Zekel chuckled.

"Are you going let Rosan take Zane for the night. Look at her, she's all over him" Zekel pointed out and I looked up at Zane and Rosan. She had her hands all over him. I wanted to break every single one of her fingers.

"It's fine" I said and Zekel eyed me suspiciously.

"You're lieing I can see it in your eyes that you want to kill her" Zekel said and I nodded a little. Zane eyes met mines and I looked away quickly. I drink the rest of my liquor then asked for another.

"Anyways it was nice talking to you my jealous friend but I have to go, ladies shall we" Zekel said and they nodded and walked off. I looked back up at Zane again and our eyes locked. He licked his lips then trailed his fingers up her thigh. He started moving his hips against hers and that made me so mad. His lips were close to her ear and he whispered something on her ear making her smile widen. His stare made me so uncomfortable, it was like, while he's touching her he's thinking of me.

I couldn't look anymore because I wanted to fight her then shout at Zane. I turned around then placed my elbow on island. I sighed then rolled my eyes. I would've been at home right now, watching a movie or sleeping in my bed. "You know what I had enough for the night I think I'm just going to my room.

I was about to stand up when Rosan approached me. I wanted to rip her eyes out. "I can't believe you guys are friends you guys would've been a great couple, when I saw you guys I thought that you and Zane were together" she said then sat down on the stool. This was my 5th drink and I'm already feeling tipsy.

"Look what Zane said was a lie, we are not friends. I'm his girlfriend" I said and she frowned.

"Well he didn't say that, he said friend" she said with her eyebrows raised.

"Well that's not true, maybe it's because he's drunk" I told her.

"He looks fine to me you're the one whose drunk you know what unless Zane says that your his girlfriend for himself then I'll back off" she said then stood up. I was about to square up with this bitch when Jay touched me.

"Mia" he said and I looked up.

"You better do something fast because I'm about to rock his world" Rosan moaned in my ear.

"Not now Jay I have something to deal with" I told him then stood up. I looked around and I spotted her walking towards Zane while swaying her hips. Zane was sitting down gambling while smoking. Then I thought to myself maybe I shouldn't bother. Just go look for someone else there are a lot of guys at the party. But I couldn't stop thinking of Zane having sex with that girl.

I bit down on my lip, considering if I should go to him or go back to the bar. Fuck it I'm going to take what's mine. Marching over to Zane I beat Rosan to it. Grabbing his suit I kissed him. He was so surprised but then he relaxed. I pulled back then pull him up. Everyone started whistling while cheering Zane on.

"Zane go tell that bitch that I'm your girlfriend" I demanded and he smirked then nodded. We approached Rosan and she looked at me with shock.

"Rosan Mia is my wife" he said and I rolled my eyes. "She has always been and you are no match for her" Zane said and Rosan started crying which was weird.

"Now you tell Jay over there that I'm your husband" he said as we walked over to him.

"What! Why?" I asked and Zane glared at me.

"I can always get myself another girl" he said, my hands were balled in a fist.

"Jay, Zane is not my friend he's my boyfriend" I said and jays mouth dropped.

"Fiancè" he said and we walked off. Zane pulled me towards the hall then pushed me up against the wall.

"I said husband" he growled then buried his head into my neck.

"And I said girlfriend and you said other wise now go wash your filthy hands I'll be in my room that's 23" I said then walked off.

"Wait that's my room" I heard him say and I knitted my eyebrows together.

"How can we have the same room unless my grandpa planned it all" I whispered to myself. He knew about Zane and I being together. That sneaky old man.

I walked into my room which was our room now then kicked off my heels. I jumped on the bed then sighed. I looked around the room and I saw two suit case the other one must be Zane's. Grabbing my phone from my purse I texted dad to tell him I was okay, I'm pretty sure everyone was asleep by now because it's really late.

The door burst opened startling me. I place my hand on my chest then sighed when Zane walked in "You scared me for a sec" I whined. He had this weird look in his eyes. He placed the bottle down then took slow steps towards me. His eyes darken and he licked his lips.

"Strip" he said in his deep voice and my heart started beating faster.

"What!?" I almost shout then sat up.

"Take your clothes off Mia and wait for daddy" he said then walked into the bathroom. My mouth went dry and I licked my lips. Was he joking or was he serious?




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