chapter 49

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"Where's Logan?" Lorenzo asked as he looked around.

"I'm sorry dad, it's just that he got shot and lost so many blood, I couldn't help him" I cried and Lorenzo's eyes widen.

"Oh... is he dead" Lorenzo asked then gulped.

"No he's not dead dad, he's in a critical condition at the hospital" Aiden said and Lorenzo sighed.

"Thank God I can't bare to see the sight of my brother being dead" Lorenzo paused "Aiden tell me which hospital he's in so I can have him transferred to our doctor" Lorenzo added and Aiden nodded.

Pulling back from me Zane searched my face, his eyes travelled down to my body as if he was looking for something "Are you hurt?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I'm fine I'm just glad that you are okay. If I lose you I don't know what I would've done" I said to him and he pecked my lip.

"Let's get you to the doctor to see of you are doing okay, also if the baby is fine" he told me.

"I'm fine Zane, I'm really worried about my uncle" I told him and Zane sighed.

"He'll be okay Mia trust me, he's strong" Zane assured her and she nodded then hugged him tighter.

"I'm so glad you were okay, when Rodolpho told me you were dead I cried, alot" I added and Zane kissed the top of my head. I loved the feeling of his warmth, it made me feel happy inside.

"I'm sorry Mia, I should've protected you with all my life but I failed" he said and I leaned back to look in his eyes. They were filled with lost, worry, sad, and happy all at the same time.

"It's okay Zane don't blame yourself okay please, I love you" I sniffed and he smiled then pecked my lip.

"Come on Mia let's go to the doctor okay, it doesn't matter how many time you refuse go we are going, you were in a bad place and I want to check if our baby is okay" he said and I nodded. I hated seeing how Zane looked, with all the gauze over his body, I should be grateful because worst things could've happened.

When we got to the room the doctor checked for injuries he did some test then did an ultrasound to see if the baby is okay.

"Alrighty, Mia, the baby is perfectly fine. You have some small cuts and bruises on your skin with will heal in no time" the doctor said then paused and I nodded. "There is anything bothering you you can drop by" he said and I nodded.

"Let's go Mia" Zane said and I nodded. We left and went up to my room. Zane sat down and he told me to sit beside him. "I love you so much and I won't stop saying it because I do. I'm glad you and our little one is okay" he paused then placed his hand on my baby bump. "If I had lost you both, my life would've had no meaning" he said in a low voice as he rest his forehead against mine.

"I love you too" I whispered then started crying. He quickly wiped my tears then kissed my lips.

"Go have a bath okay then I'll get you and the baby something to eat" he told me and I nodded then stood up.

"Come stay with me" I said to him as I walked into the bathroom and he nodded. Removing all my clothes I stared at my belly. I couldn't wait to see if the baby looks like Zane, Me or a mixture of both. I feel arms wrap around my waist and Zane place a kiss on my neck. Mia go have a bath remember you have not eaten anything the whole time being there. He was right I was hungry but the only person I could think about was my uncle.

I got in the tub then took a bath not too short or not too long. Getting out I got dressed into Zane's shirt and one of his boxer. As soon as I walked back into the room Zane was sitting down on the bed with a tray in his hand.

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