chapter 13

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

"Don't call him cute, looks like I need to teach you a lesson. You're mine and you can't talk to any guy in that way except me. If Zekel is your friend talk him like a friend" he said then slapped my ass really hard. He step back and I looked him in the eyes. The colour of his eyes darken. I wanted to test him, get him angry and see what he'll do.

"I don't belong to anyone Zane, you're my friend too" I smiled and he walked right up to me then placed his hand around neck. He squeezed my neck, not too hard though then pulled me forward. He slammed his lips against mine. He deepens the kiss and I place my hand on his shirt pulling him closer. Zane tried slipping his tongue into my mouth but I wouldn't let him. He slapped my ass really hard again and I moaned out. He slid his tongue into my mouth, tasting every inch and corner.

Zane removed his hand from my neck then placed it on my breast. I was running out of breath but he didn't pull back. I started hitting his chest and he grabbed my hand. Zane moved his head to my neck, kissing and sucking on my sensitive flesh. My head fell back and I moaned out loudly.

"Zay" he lift me off the floor and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He slammed his hips against my front and I began moving my hips against his. His touch sent tingles all over my body. I didn't want to let him win but I couldn't refuse his touch. I wanted him so bad.

Zane walked over to the bed then placed me down. Climbing on top of me he held both my hands above my head. "Do you know what I want to do when I'm angry with You?" He asked and I looked up at him and shook my head. "I want to take you, show you that you are mine Mia" he said and my heart started racing. He wants to have sex with me oh my god.

"Even if you take me I'm still going to tell you that I'm not yours" I smirked and his jaw clenched and unclenched.

"Mia, I will punish you, and when I do you won't be able to move the next day" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Do it Zane" I told him and he balled his hands in a fist. His eyes grew even darker with lust. Now that I think about it I was a little scared. He closed his eyes then took a deep. I wondered what he was doing. Maybe he was trying to calm himself down

"Go, go have a bath you can wear any of my clothes" he said then got off me. I watched him leave the room and I shrugged then stood up.  I walked into his bathroom then removed all my clothes. His bathroom looks really nice and bigger then mine. I run my finger along the cold white and grey tile. Looking around the room I saw a mirror. I slowly walked over to it then looked at myself. My mouth fell opened when I saw the hickeys that Zane left on my neck. I licked my lips then smiled. Walking over to the tub I got in then had a really long bath. After that heated session between us, I really needed it.

I stepped out of the tub then wrapped a towel around my waist. After drying my hair I walked back into Zane's room and he was laying down while using his phone. I went into his closet then took out one of his boxers and black tee shirt. "Where am I going to sleep?" I asked Zane while biting down on my lip. He looked up and his eyes met mine. Zane looked me up and down and a smirk formed on his lips.

"Hmm" he hummed then licked his lips. "Right here" he said then pointed at his bed.

"And where will you sleep" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Mia come lay down" he said and I sighed then walked over to him. I climbed on top of his bed then closed my eyes. "Good night" he whispered in my ear and I didn't answer. Zane placed his phone down then pulled the sheets up to cover me. "Aren't we going to cuddle" he asked and I was about to say something but I stopped myself. I nodded and he pulled me towards his body then wrapped his arm around my waist.


Last night Mia was making me so angry, the more she talks the more she makes me angrier. She's lucky I didn't take her last night. I had to stay calm. I wanted her to say she's mine until then I won't take her. But I will make her melt under my touch, I could tell that she wanted to test me last night.

"Zane" Mia moaned in her sleep and I smirked. Was she really have a wet dream about me. I looked over at her and her lips were slightly parted. I wonder what she was thinking about. "Ahhh" she moaned out and that really turned me on. I have to wake her up before I take her right now.

"Mia" I called while touching her shoulder. Her eyes flew open and she looked up at me.

"Um.... Zane" she said and I smirked.

"What were you dreaming about?" I asked and she raised her eyebrows.

"Nothing, why did you wake me up?" She whined and my smirk grew even wider.

"Are you wet?" I asked her. Mia knitted her eyebrows together as if she didn't know what I was talking about. "You were dreaming about me Mia, tell me how was I pleasuring you?" I asked then placed my hand on her leg. I trailed my finger all the way up and she just stared at me.

"What makes you think I was dreaming about you?" She asked then turned her back towards me.

"You moaned my name Mia" I whispered it her ear, she shivered then rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about Zane" she said while snuggling into my pillow.

"Fine then I'll know if you're telling the truth" I trailed my had further up and stopped at the lining of her boxer.




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