chapter 42

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It's been 3 days since Zane had came over to apologize to me. I was still in the room and the doctor would check up on me often. Zane would bring me food amd always making sure that I was okay. I was still a little upset with him but I can't stay mad at him because he's so sweet, loving and he cares for me. I glanced over at him and he was sleeping in the small couch that was in close proximity to me. He must be uncomfortable in that couch and I felt bad for that but I told him to go home but he said no. He could've slept in my room but he didn't want to, he said he'd rather stay here with me.

Today was my last day in here, the doctor told me that I was doing okay. I started eating a lot like I used to so the baby is growing strong. I still can't believe that I'm pregnant, they say expect the unexpected. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes then yawned and stretched a little bit. I was going up to my room and I wonder if I should tell Zane or let him sleep. I slowly approached him then touched him on the shoulder.

"Zane" I whispered and his eyes fluttered open. A smile came to his lips and I smiled back. "Um..... I'm going to my room now since the doctor said I could" I told him and he got up then yawned.

"Okay let's go" he said as he placed his hands on the small of my back. I went to my room but Zane decided to stay back. He still had on bruises on his body and I hated that he went through all of that just to get to me. I walked into the bathroom then grabbed my tooth brush and toothpaste. After brushing my teeth I washed my face. A sigh left my lips, something was bothering me but I couldn't say what. Walking out of the bathroom I sat down on my bed. Pulling my hair up then used a scrunchy to hold it up. A knock sounded on my door and I thought it was Zane but why would he knock. "Come" I said in a low voice, my dad walked in and I just stared at him blankly.

"Mia I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am" he said as he approached me. "Can I" he asked while pointing at the space beside me. I nodded and he sat down beside me. "What I did was wrong I-" he was about to say but I cut him off.

"Its okay dad" I said and he raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure? Do you forgive me?" He asked with a surprise look on his face. I nodded then smiled and he hugged me. What my dad did was wrong but he's my dad I can't stay mad at him for long no matter how I try. I forgave Zane yesterday I'm trying my best to just forgive everyone and move on.  My door opened and Zane walked in with a tray in his hand. A smile immediately came to my lips, dad stood up then gave me a nod as an indication for him to leave. They both looked at each other then looked away. It's weird seeing them like this, but I can get use to it. As soon as dad left Zane placed the tray down on the bed.

"Zane you didn't have to make this for me" I told him and he smiled while scratching the back of his head. He sat down beside me then handed the cup of mint tea to me.

"Mia, I'll do anything for you" he said and I smiled. I took a bite of my sandwich and I immediately fell in love. Isn't it awesome when you have someone to cook for you.

"Here" I paused "take a bite" I said while giving him the sandwich.

"No, Mia it's yours" he said in a low voice but I insisted "Fine" he leaned forward then took a bite.

"Mmm" he hummed then licked his lips. "What do you wanna do today?" He asked and I knitted my eyebrows together.

"I thought you were supposed to go on a mission with uncle Logan?" I asked and he sighed.

"Yeah but I don't wanna, I want to stay here with you" he pouted and I smiled "I'm sad that we can't do missions together again."

"Don't worry uncle Logan is fun" I grinned and he chuckled.

"Yeah right, that man means strictly business he is no fun when it comes to missions" Zane said while waving his hands around in a dramatic way. "I'm not going" he said.

"Go Zane, you know if you don't he's gonna come get you and it won't be nice" I told him and he sighed. There was silence between us. After I finished eating I placed the tray on the small table. Zane's eyes landed on my bump and he stretched one arm out. He slowly placed his hand on my bump then began making circles on it.

"I can't believe that I'm going to be a dad" he smiled and I just stared at him. "I hope I can take good care of him or her. The last time I held a baby it did not go well" he said and I laughed.

"I think you're going to be a great dad" I said as I run my finger through his thick black hair. Our eyes locked together and we just stared at each other.

"4 moths pregnant huh?" He said then chuckled.

"What?" I asked but he shook his head and kept on smiling, I wondered what he found funny. "Tell me Zane" I whined.

"We made the baby in my car" he laughed and I slapped him on the shoulder. "We made the baby in my car! You wanted me to take you so bad, I bet if we had waited we would've made the baby in the bed like normal people do, when the baby grows older I'm going to tell the baby that we made him or her in the drivers seat of my car" he laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Zane" I said and he just laughed like an idiot. Finally he stopped laughing and stared into my eyes.

"Mia, I love you and I'll do anything to make sure that you are safe" he said, I thought he was about to kiss me when he leaned forward but he kissed my baby bump. My heart melted when I saw what he did. "Daddy will protect you baby" he whispered.

"I love you too" I said and he kissed me, things were getting heated between us. I couldn't even control myself, I wanted him so bad. My hormones were driving me crazy. He began kissing and sucking on my sensitive flesh. He was now hovering over me and my head was resting on my pillow. Zane stopped kissing me then moved away.

"Will the baby get hurt? I don't want the baby to get hurt when we are doing it" Zane asked with a worried look on his face.

"No the baby will be fine, the doctor said it is normal for women to have sex during pregnancy" I told him and he sighed in relief.

"The baby needs to feel our love" he grinned. Zane cushion his front against mine and he began grinding himself into me. I could feel his member poking me and I moaned.

"Take me now Zane, I want you" I begged and he smirked. He was about to lift my shirt up when a knock sounded on my door. I immediately pushed Zane off me and he groaned. "What if it's uncle Logan?" I whispered to Zane and he groaned once more.

"If it's him tell him I'm not in here" he said and I rolled my eyes but nodded.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Logan, is Zane in there?" He asked and I bit my lip.

"No, he's not in here" I hated lying to my uncle.

"Mia I know he's in there" he said and the door flew open. Zane wouldn't even stand a chance to hide. If uncle Logan had said I'm coming in then he could've hid under the bed. Logan looked between us and I wanted to laugh so hard.

"You get the fuck up we have work to do and get rid of that" he said while pointing at Zane's boner. Oh my god this is so embarrassing for me. As soon as uncle Logan said this he left my room. Zane started whining and I laughed.

"I told you that uncle Logan will come get you but you didn't listen" I said and Zane stood up and walked into the bathroom.




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