chapter 8

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours


After What happened last night I couldn't stop thinking about her. I have to have her, she's mine and I won't stop until she's finally in my arms. The more she plays hard to get the more I want her. A knock sounded on my door knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Enter," I said then cleared my throat, Zekel walked in with a smirk on his face.

"Your dad is calling you," Zekel said and I nodded then stood up.

"Why are you smirking like that," I asked as we left the room.

"You are going to love this mission it has something to do with Mia" As soon a Zekel said Mia my heart skipped a beat. If only she really knows how I feel about her.

"Oh really" I smirked then knocked on my father's door. He told us to enter and I turned the knob then walked in. He told us to sit down and I took a seat.

"Zane this is very important your mother's anniversary is coming up and you know I will get her anything. Even if she wants something simple I get her something expensive. Zane, I don't do simple" he explains and I rolled my eyes. What does this have to do with Mia?

"Yes, dad I get it so what's the mission about do I have to kill someone?" I asked and he shook his head.

"It's an auction, you'll take that girl Mia with you as a date, I heard that you had a crush on her" dad smirked and I looked over at Zekel who shrugged his shoulders. "Look your best son there is something that I really want, it's a beautiful set of diamond earrings, a necklace, and a watch. Make sure you get it Zane I don't care if you have to spend a billion dollars" dad said and I nodded.

"Don't worry father I'll get it for you and mom" I said and he smiled.

"When you see it you'll know, now leave you two have an auction to go to" dad waved me off. I stood up and left his office.

"Maybe I can get something for Mia" I whispered to myself as I walked back to my room.

After a few hours of getting dressed, I was finally ready to leave. After one last look in the mirror, I left my room and went downstairs to meet Zekel.

"Are you ready?" Zekel asked and I nodded while fixing my watch.

"So where will we meet her," I asked Zekel with my eyebrows raised. We got into the car and he placed his seatbelt on.

"We'll meet her at the auction my curious friend," he said then chuckled and I rolled my eyes but nodded.

When we got to the place, I got out of the car then began looking around "do you see her?" I asked Zekel and he walked over to me.

"Nope but we will," he said then pushed me towards the building, I continued looking around and I spotted her talking to someone. "Oh, there she is," Zekel said and I nodded then walked towards her. Touching her on the shoulder she turned towards me then rolled her eyes. Feisty that's how I like it.

"Just so you know I'm just doing this for my grandpa or else you wouldn't have seen me here," she said and I smirked then held my hand out. She placed her hand on mine and I led her towards the door.

"By the way, you look beautiful" I whispered in her ear and she looked up at me. She was wearing a sexy elegant silver formal mermaid evening gown dress and it was sequined backless. How could anyone resist this perfectly sculpted body?

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself," she said, we walked inside and everyone was gathered around talking.

"About last night," I said and she stopped in her tracks.

"Forget about what happened last night Zane it shouldn't have happened," she said, pulling her hand away she walked off. I watched her ass as she walked away.

"Stop checking out her ass," Zekel said then hit me in the back of the head.

"I can do whatever I want because she's mine," I told him and he laughed "I see you got yourself a date," I said then looked at the girl with who he was holding hands. Zekel nodded and smiled.

"Oh I think someone's checking your girl out," Zekel said then pointed in the other direction I turned around and my jaw clenched and unclenched when I saw Emilio talking to Mia. He kissed Mia's hand then smirked at me. I stormed over to her then grabbed her hand.

"Mia come with me," I told her and she tried pulling her hand away.

"Zane let go of me" she glared at me and I shook my head.

"Yeah let go of her Zane" Emilio mocked then pushed me. I let go of Mia's hand then grabbed Emilio's suit.

"Fuck off she's my date Emilio," I said through gritted teeth. He laughed in my face and I was about to punch him when Mia held on to my hand.

"Zane please don't, remember what we came here for" she reminded me and I sighed then let go of his suit. He smirked at me and I just wanted to punch him in the face. I hated this guy so much he tried to ruin my life, he's my worst enemy. Mia pulled me forward and I followed behind.

"Yeah run along Zane? you are a freaking pain in my ass" he said and I stopped. Mia pulled me again. She brought me outside and I pulled my hand away from hers.

"Why would you go talk to him you are supposed to be my date," I told her and she folded her arms.

"He approached me, how am I supposed to know you hate the guy" she argued back.

"I hate every guy that approaches you," I told her and she rolled my eyes.

"Zane you can't keep doing this, I don't belong to you. You don't own me I'm a free woman and I can do whatever I want" Mia said but I didn't care what she wanted to say because she will be mine. "Now let's go the auction is about to start. She held on to my hand then intertwined our fingers. We walked inside then grabbed my number card. Mia led us towards our seat and I sat down.

The auction was so boring with everyone bidding and stuff. I wasn't listening to anything but when the diamond set came out my eyes caught it. "Is that it?" Mia asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I have to get it no matter what so let's begin," I said and she smiled. The guy explains what the set was about I couldn't wait to start bidding. I know they were going to be competitors who want the same thing as me.

"Let's start as 25,000" I didn't even bother to raise my number card because that was way too low. "1 million" I raised the number card and the guy acknowledges me. "25 million" I gave Mia to raise the card because my hand was tired.

"50 million," Mia said and I looked over at m her.

"70 million," someone at the back said.

"100 million," Mia said then bit her lip. A man was about to raise his care and I glared at him. He gulped then placed it down.

"100 million going once, going twice sold to number 25," he said and I smiled.

"Yes we got it" she squealed then hugged me. I nodded then smiled.




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