chapter 4

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours


I couldn't believe that was so easy. Maybe if he wasn't a sex trafficker it would've been a lot harder trying to kill him. I walked into the house then kicked off my heels. Picking them up I held them in my hand then tiptoed over to the stairs. Wouldn't want to wake dad or anyone else. I went up the stairs and walked down the hall to my room.

"Mia" grandpa called and I opened the door to his office. How did he know it was me.

"Grandpa I thought you were sleeping," I said and he shook his head. I smiled then sat down in front of him.

"So how was the mission," he asked while looking up at me through his glasses.

"I tortured him a little" I paused "then sip it right off," I said then laughed, grandpa's eyes widen then realization hit him.

"Mia you are more dangerous than I thought," he said with a frightened look on his face. "I wouldn't want to be that guy" he chuckled.

"Yeah he deserved it for hurting so many girls, I made him feel pain. I'm glad that the room was soundproof too, really expensive room" I giggled and grandpa smiled.

"So did you meet any young men on the way?" Grandpa asked and I wondered why.

"Yeah," I said slowly with my eyebrows raised. "They were two guys in the hall I just told them hi that's it," I said and he nodded.

"Oh well good night sweetheart," he said and I stood up then kissed his cheek.

"Good night pap" leaving his office I went to my room. Before going to bed I had a bath then removed all the makeup. I felt so relieved. I got in bed then snuggled into my sheet. Closing my eyes sleep consumed me.


After what happened yesterday I couldn't let it happen to me again. After I told dad what the girl did he was angry and I wondered why. The guy was dead and that's all that matters. He told me that I should've gone into the room when the girl was in there then shoot the man before she could kill him. I don't know why dad is acting like that but I feel he knows something I don't. I was getting ready for another mission and this time it was a woman, her name is Elizabeth. She uses her sniper gun to kill people. She's in the Rodolpho Gang. My dad hates her because she tried to kill him. My dad wants to make sure that everyone in the Rodolpho Gang is dead and I'll make sure of that.

"Zane are you ready," Zekel asked when he walked into my room. I turned my head to look at him then shook my head.

"I'm almost ready I'm just fixing my hair and I'll get my stuff ready," I told him and he nodded.

"Elizabeth will be on the 38th Street on Silver Canoe at 9pm sharp aiming for her target," he said and I nodded.

"So did you find out anything about that Mia girl?" I asked and he nodded.

"Mia Esposito, 23 years old lives in the Esposito household. She's very dangerous and she goes on missions just like you do. Mia killed a lot of bad people in the orders of her grandfather, Nikolai and she's a virgin" when he said the last part I stopped what I was doing and turned towards him.

"How the fuck do you know that?" I asked and he smirked.

"I have my ways," he said and I looked at him weirdly. "Plus she's never been with a guy in her entire life who could she have given it to," Zekel asked with one eyebrow cocked up.

"You are weird my friend anyways, I want her to be mine, and one day we must meet again," I told him and he chuckled. "Okay I'm ready so let's go,"  I said and Zekel nodded. We left the house and I got into my car. After putting on my seatbelt Zekel drove off.

"Is the sniper ready?" I asked and he nodded then pointed at the back.

"Since she likes killing people with sniper we are going to kill her with one" Zekel smirked and I nodded.

Everything was ready Zekel and I was waiting on Elizabeth to get there

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Everything was ready Zekel and I was waiting on Elizabeth to get there. We were in an old apartment building across from where she will be. "There she is," Zekel said and I smirked. Zekel was laying on his stomach while aiming the gun high. Moving the dirty curtain a little, I peeked through the window and I spotted her on top of the roof. As she unpacked her stuff I looked down and I saw her target.

"Oh, Nathan if only you knew what was about to happen to you" I chuckled. She was finally all set and was pointing at Nathan. Zekel aims the target at her forehead and he pressed the trigger. I watched the bullet fly right through her head. Her eyes met mine and she died, blood dripping from her forehead.

"Look who just came," Zekel said and I wondered who he was talking about. I looked out the window and I saw Mia standing over the other side while looking down at Elizabeth's dead body. She was shocked at first and then her eyes met mine. I smirked and she got so angry then stormed off the roof.

"Well, that's taken care of let's get going then" I chuckled while Zekel packed his stuff up. He grabbed his bag then stood.

"Well then let's go, my friend," he said and we left the building. When we got home I got dressed in my sweatpants and a tee shirt. Knocking on my father's office door I heard him say come in.

"Our plan was successful dad and guess what you remember that Mia girl I was telling you about?" I asked.

"Yes son," he said then took a sip of his liquor.

"I saw her after I killed Elizabeth she was so angry," I told him and he chuckled. "I don't get it though is it a coincidence that we meet again. How could we possibly be doing the same mission? that's weird" I told him and he shrugged.

"I'm just glad you killed her before Mia did," dad said and I nodded then sat down.

"Dad you should've seen her face she was so mad. She's so pretty and cute when she's mad" I zoned out and dad waved his hand in front of my face.

"Anyways dad I'm a little beat see you in the morning," I said and he nodded. I left his office then went back to my room. Jumping into my bed I sighed then closed my eyes. A hardworking man always has to get his sleep if not I'll be a mess. Wouldn't want to ruin the good looks.




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