chapter 36

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I walked into the dining room where everyone was seated. Everyone's eyes landed on me but I looked away. Sitting down my breakfast was placed in front of me. It looked so yummy but I didn't feel like eating. I felt someone kick me and I looked over at Amelia 'you're pregnant?' She mouthed and I shrugged.

'Maybe, who told you?' I mouthed to her and she looked at Aiden. I looked over at him and he grinned.

"Mia you need to eat your breakfast" mom said and I sighed then looked up at dad who was looking down at his food.

"I'm going to go upstairs and eat," I told her and she nodded. Standing up I picked my tray up then carried it with me upstairs. When I got into my room. I placed the tray down on my bed then ran into the bathroom. Looking into the cabinet I grabbed the pregnancy test. "Never thought that I would've needed this," I said then pulled my shorts down. It's a good thing that I needed to pee" sitting down on the toilet I peed on the stick then placed it down. Pulling my shorts up I walked over to the sink then washed my hands.

After a couple of minutes, I heard a little sound. Slowly walking over to it, I looked down and saw that it was positive. "Ok, this changes a lot, I won't get to do missions now. I'll have to be more careful and a whole bunch of stuff that I'm not good at" I said to myself as I stood there staring at the test. "Okay, there is a tiny human growing inside of you Mia" I whispered as I paced around the room. "Zane, oh my god Zane, he's not ready what will he think, I can't believe this is happening," I said then bit my lip. "How am I going to say this to him? Will he be happy or will he be sad and upset. I don't know what his reaction will be" I said then sighed. Placing the test in the cabinet, I washed my hands then walked back into my room to finish my breakfast. I have one more thing to tell my dad but I'll wait for a little for now I'll have to hide my baby bump.

"Kitty," Zane said and he scared the crap out of me. I looked over at him and he was lying on the bed. "Why are you here?" I asked as I played with my fingers.

"You don't want me to be here Mia?" He asked as he sat up. I walked over to him then sat down on the bed.

"Yes I do but today is not a good day, so I would rather if you go back home," I told him and he knitted his eyebrows together.

"What do you mean?" He questioned and I sighed.

"I told my dad about the both of being together and he's upset with me," I said in a low voice and Zane rolled his eyes.

"Who cares what your dad thinks, I love you and you love me, that's all that matters," he said then leaned forward and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him forward. He slowly began placing kisses on my neck and I moaned. I wanted him so bad but now was not the time. I can't even control myself, Zane laid me down on the bed then hovered over me. He leaned forward to kiss me and I moved my head to the side. His body was pressed up against my stomach so I pushed him off me. Wouldn't want my baby to get hurt. I am a first-time mom so all of this is new to me, am I even ready?. Well, there is a first time for everything.

"What was that for?" He asked as I sat up.

"Nothing, by the way, do you know my brother Aiden?" I asked so that I could change the topic.

"Yeah, he helped me get up here sometimes. Remember the first time when I came up here?" He paused and I  nodded. "I didn't even know where I was going but then he saw me outside. He walked up to me and said, 'who the fuck are you? I've never seen you around here before' and I told him that I was your boyfriend and he grinned then lead me towards your window. He even gave me a ladder then lookout if any guards were coming. He was super nice then we became friends" Zane said and I slapped him on the chest.

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