chapter 3

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

I stayed in my room the whole day yesterday and I was planning on staying in here the whole day today too. I'm just glad that I don't have to leave my room to get food because I had a pantry. No one came to my room to bother me and I was really happy. Picking up my phone I glance at the time it was almost 5pm.

A knock sounded on my door and I groaned. "Go away" I said then placed the pillow over my head.

"Mia it's grandpa, I have a mission for you" as soon as I heard grandpa and mission I shot up out of my bed then ran over to the door.

"Sorry grandpa I thought it was my dad" I said after I opened the door. He smiled then patted me on the head.

"Well then let's go to my office then" he said and I nodded then locked my room door. I followed behind him to his office and he opened the door. I sat down in the chair then waited on grandpa to sit down. "Okay so this is his file" he said then handed me the file. Opening it I read through.

"So he is a sex trafficker he kidnaps young girl and take advantage of them. We both know I hate those piece of shit and I want him dead. Be careful Mia he's dangerous" Grandpa said and that made me more exited.

"What's the occasion pa" I asked and he looked up.

"It's at a hotel and they are having dinner, a lot of young girls will be there and he might make his move" he said and I nodded. "So I'll wear something sexy" I whispered to myself. Grandpa explained everything to me. Standing up I left the office and went to my room to get ready. It starts at 7pm, when I'm finished getting ready it will almost be 7.

Removing all my clothes I walked into the bathroom while doing a little dance. I took a long, relaxing bath.

After the bath I got my makeup done then put on my lashes. Glancing at myself in the mirror I saw how beautiful I looked. Standing up I placed my gun in the strap on my leg. I can't wait to get my hands on that guy he's going to be sorry he ever messed with those girls. After putting on my seductive Red Sleeveless Plunging Neckline with High Side Slit I placed my red high heel shoes on. I licked my red plumped lips then fixed my curls.

Grabbing my purse I placed my phone and a knife inside. "Okay I'm ready" I whispered as I run my hand over my dress. Leaving the room, I went back to grandpa's office.

"Grandpa I'm leaving" I said and he looked at me from head to toe.

"Beautiful, just gorgeous... I know Zane will go mad for you" he whispered the last part and I couldn't make out what he said.

"Thanks grandpa I'll see you later" I kissed his cheek then left. I went downstairs and everyone was seated in the couch and on the floor while watching a movie. Oh I forgot that tonight was movie night. My heels clicking on the floor brought everyone's attention to me.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked.

"I'm going on a mission I simply said and he just stared at me as if he wanted me to give him more information.

"Dressed like that?" He asked with one eyebrow cocked up and I nodded.

"Bye dad I'll talk to you later" I said and he sighed. I left the house and got into my car.

When I got to my destination I sighed, this place was huge and a lot of people were going to be here "come on Mia let's do this wouldn't want pap to feel disappointed. I walked up to the security at the front door who had a list of names in his hands.

"Hi it's Mia Esposito" I told him and he winked at me then gestured me inside.

"Table 9 beautiful" he said and I nodded and walked over to my table. Sitting down I glanced around to see if I saw that guy and I spotted him. A smirk came to lips when I saw him sitting at table 5. He was talking to some guy.

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