chapter 25

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

I woke up feeling the urge to pee. My back was towards Zane's front and his head buried into my neck. He had his arms around my waist and his other around my neck. "Hmm..... Zay" I whispered then turned my head to look at him. His eyes were still closed. "Zane wake up I need to use the bathroom" I said and he groaned.

"Why?" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"I really need to pee" I told him while trying to wiggle out of his hold.  His grip around my waist tightened. He licked my ear then went down to my neck. "Zane please I need to go" I whined and he sighed then removed his hand. I quickly got up then ran into the bathroom. After peeing I flushed the toilet then washed my hands. Grabbing my toothbrush I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Walking back into the room I picked up Zane's hoddie then placed over my head. Pulling it down, I looked up at Zane and he smirked.

"Looks better on you" he said and I smiled then catch my hair into a messy bun. Looking down at the floor I saw a spider and I squeaked then ran over to the bed. Zane looked at me as if I was weird.

"There is a spider over there" I said and burst into laughter. I rolled my eyes then climbed on top of the bed.

"Badass Mia scared of a little spider, wow" he said and I glared at him.

"I don't like them they creep me out now go kill it Zane" I told him and he stood up. I watched him as he walked over to it then picked the spider up and place it in his hand. My eyes widen and I pulled the sheets up to my chest.

"Kill this little thing that won't hurt a fly" he said and I nodded.

"I had my history with spiders okay just kill it or do something about it" I whined and he started walking over to me. Jumping off the bed I ran over to the corner of the room. "Zane just kill the fucking spider" I said and he just stood there laughing at me. I hate him so much for this.

"Ouch fucking shit the thing bit me" he said then walked over to me. My eyes widen and I ran over to the bathroom door. "Mia I'm just kidding" he told me and I sighed. I walked into the bathroom then locked the door.

"I'm not coming out unless you kill that thing" I told him.

"Fine" he paused "You can come out now" he said and somehow I didn't trust him. I unlocked the door then peaked my head outside.

"What did you do with it" I asked and he pointed outside the window.

"I put it outside" he said and I nodded then walked back over to the bed. "I don't know why you're scared of that thing" he said then sat down beside me.

"Everyone is scared of something at least one thing" I told him and he nodded. "So what are you scared of?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Snakes those things creep me the fuck out have you seen there eyes and skin" he said then shivered. I laughed at him and he glared at me.

"See, I'm not scared of a snake but you are" I laughed and he climbed on top of me. Grabbing both my hands he placed them above my head.

"At least I'm not scared of something that small a snake can eat you alive" he said and I looked up at him. He stared into my eyes in admiration. I blushed then turned my head to the side. "Mia look at me" he whispered and I looked at him.  We were just staring into each other eyes lost in the moment. Zane leaned forward then pecked my lip. He kissed me then let go of my hands. He slid his tongue into her mouth tasting every inch and corner. We fought for dominance until we were running out of breath. He went down to my neck kissing and sucking on my sensitive flesh. My eyes slid shut and mouth was wide open. He slid his hands into my shorts then began circling my clt.

"Oh god" I moaned, my hands were roaming his body slowly digging my nails into his skin. He hissed then used his other hand to pull my hoddie up. He was about to slip in two fingers when my door burst open.

"Mia" Valentina called as she walked in, I pushed Zane off me and he groaned.

"Valentina turn around" I quickly told her and she did as I said.

"You're sister is a cockblocker" Zane said and I rolled my eyes. Pulling my hoodie down I grabbed the sheets pulling it over Zane to cover him up. "Shit I thought I locked the door" I whispered to myself.

"Valentina" I called and she turned around "You can't just come into my room like that. I told you to knock first before you enter. You know the rules Valentina!" I almost shouted at her and she started crying.

"I'm sorry Mia" she sniffed and I felt bad. I looked over at Zane and he shrugged. "I fell and I hurt my knee and elbow. You used to fix boos, I'll just ask mama to do it" she was about to turn around when I stopped her.

"Come here Valentina" I told her and she walked over to me "I'm sorry for shouting at you, I'll fix your boo boo okay" I told her and she nodded then showed me where she got hurt. I felt so bad, whenever Valentina got hurt she used run into my room crying. Asking me to fix her boo. I should've known but I was too caught up in what Zane and we were doing.

Lifting her off the floor I placed her down on the bed "sit here I'll go get my first aid kit okay" I said and she nodded. I walked into the bathroom then picked up the kit. Walking back back into my bedroom I heard them talking.

"It hurts so bad" she sniffed and Zane sat up. I stood by the door and watched them.

"How about a kiss for your boo" he said and she nodded. He placed a kiss on her elbow and her knee and she smiled. "Do you feel a little better now?" He asked and she shrugged.

"A little but you missed a spot and I want a hug too" she said and Zane chuckled then gave her a hug.

"Now tell me where did I miss" he asked and she pointed at her other knee then her cheek" he kissed her other knee and her cheek she blushed then hid her face.

I think your little sister is stealing your man

"Do you feel better now?" he asked her and she nodded then smiled. It was so cute how he kissed her boo boos, I know Zane will be a great dad someday.

"I got the kit" I said as I walked over to them. Valentina placed her hand up to stop me.

"Don't worry Mia, Zane made me feel much better, I want him to fix my boo" she said and I looked at her in disbelief. She took the kit from me then handed it to Zane. I glanced at him and he chuckled then opened the kit. I sat down on the bed beside them then watched as Zane began dressing her cut. He was so gentle with her.

"What bandaid do you want, the normal ones, one of these Disney princesses or minions" he asked and she looked up at the ceiling while rubbing her chin.

"Minions" she said and Zane smiled.

"Good choice" he told her and she nodded. He gently placed it on her knee then her elbow and she smiled.

"Thank you Zane" she said then hugged him and Zane nodded.

"Valentina don't tell mom and dad anything okay, you didn't see or heard of Zane" I said and she nodded then got off the  bed.

"Next time when you come can you play tea party with me? She asked with her head tilted to the side.

"Sure Valentina" Zane said and she smiled sweetly then left. I locked the door then sighed.

"Why can't you just tell you're dad?" Zane asked as I sat down beside him.

"Because he doesn't like you and if he finds out we're together he'll do his best to keep me away from you and I don't want that" I told him and he pecked my lips a few times.

"Okay but we can't keep doing this he has to know" Zane said and I nodded.

"I'll tell him when I think I'm ready" I said and he nodded




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