chapter 22

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

Read at your own risk

"Take your clothes off Mia and wait for daddy" he said then walked into the bathroom. My mouth went dry and I licked my lips. Was he joking or was he serious?. I didn't know if he was being serious but I began removing my clothes anyway. As soon as my dress came off, I laid down in bed in my pantie and bra only. Grabbing the sheets I pulled it up to my chest.

Zane walked out of the bathroom in his underpants only with a smirk plastered on his face. He took slow steps towards me and I began to move around. Climbing on top of the bed Zane grabbed a fistful of the sheets then pulled it off me. I gasped and my heart started beating faster. "Zane" I whispered and as he hovered over me. His eyes were clouded with lust and I could tell what he wanted to do to me. My lips parted and my breathing increased. His lips were so close to mine. "Zane Um-" I was about to say when he cut me off.

"Shush" his warm breath fanned my face and I could smell the liquor. He kissed my lip and I deepened the kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him closer. He slid his tongue into my mouth tasting every inch and corner. After a few seconds I was running out of breath. He pulled away and he went down to my neck. His soft lips touched my neck and his teeth grazed it. I could feel his other hand trailing all the way down my stomach then stopped at the waistline of my pantie.

He slowly slid his hand inside then began circling my clt. My mouth fell opened and I placed my hand on his hand "Ah" I was so wet and eager for Zane to enter me. He slipped two fingers inside. He began moving his hand faster. I couldn't stop myself from moaning.

"You naughty girl, why are you so wet?" He whispered in my ear, and just like that I came. He removed his finger from my pantie then brought it up to his lips "So sweet" he whispered and I blushed.

"Didn't I say that you should take off all your clothes?" he said then sat up, pulling my bra off he began to stare at them "prefect" he whispered and I blushed. He cupped my breast then began massaging them. "Zay" I moaned his name, he kissed and suck on my sensitive flesh earning another moan from me. I shoved my hand in his boxers and he grabbed my hand.

"Zay" I whined and he stared down at me with a serious look in his eyes.

"No Mia" Zane warned and I rolled my eyes. "Just relax kitty daddy will take good care of you" he mused. He began placing light kisses on my stomach going all the way down he stopped at my wet heat. Pulling my pantie down he threw them on the floor. Zane looked up at me and I looked down at him. He licked me and my mouth fell open.

"Oh god" this was my first time and it felt so good. He did it again and I squeezed my legs shut. Zane grabbed my legs then eased them apart. He continued doing what he was doing and I couldn't handle it. He inserted two fingers inside me and my head fell back. "Zane!" I screamed. Wrapping my legs around his neck, I run my fingers through his hair, pulling and tugging at it. He began moving his hand faster and I came. Zane pulled back then looked up at me. I was breathing so hard. Trying to calm myself down.

"Hmm...." He hummed then pecked my lip.

"Are you on pills?" he asked and I nodded. Are we really going to do this, I can't believe. He was about pull down his boxer and my face lit up. I always wanted to see how big he was. He talks as if it's really big. He stopped himself then knitted his eyebrows together.

"Wait" he paused "why are you on pills?" He asked and I bit down on my lip "were you-" I cut him off before he said anything else.

"My sister insisted that I took the pills, she said that I might get drunk and sleep with someone. So just incase she made me take it" I explained to him while looking at my fingers as if it was something I've never seen before.

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