Chapter 38

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"I'm so stupid, I should've told him about what the guy did" I whispered to myself. "I'm so stupid, I hate myself right now" I said and mom shook her head.

"No sweetie your not stupid, you just did something that you thought was right" mom assured me and I looked down at the floor.

"It's all my fault, he doesn't want to speak to me anymore. What if he breaks up with me, I can't handle that" I cried even more and my mom grabbed me in her arms. She slowly began to rub the back of my head.

"Mia he's not going to break up with you just give him some time, he's probably thinking about you right now" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Dad told him not to come back, how am I going to see him?" I asked as I stared into her eyes.

"I'm not sure Mia, what did Zane say about the pregnancy?" She asked and I pulled away from her.

"He got angry because we weren't ready for a baby especially with the situation we are in, when I told him I was 3 months he freaked out but when I explained it to him he calmed down" I told her and she mouthed 'oh'

"Mia I need you to stop crying okay, I'll get you something to eat then you rest, I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby" Mom said in a low voice and I wiped my tears.

"And you know what mom, Zane is an ass just because I didn't tell him one thing he gets angry over it. I'm sure he has a lot of secrets that he don't wanna tell me either" I angrily said then stood up.

"Hormones" my mom whispered but I didn't hear exactly what she said.

"Huh?" I asked her to repeat what she said and she shrugged. "This pregnancy is messing with me, I wish I wasn't pregnant, I never used to cry this much, this makes me feel weak and pathetic" I cried as I sat down on the bed.

"Please don't cry baby" Mom said as she pulled me in for a hug, I just couldn't help myself. What if Zane tries to come here they will try to kill him and I don't want him to die. I'm so angry with dad.

"Mom can you leave I want to be alone right now" I said in a low voice and she nodded then stood up.

"I'll get you something to eat okay" she said as she left my room, I nodded then laid down on my pillow. Grabbing my phone from off the dresser, I looked for Zane's number. I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail, I texted him also but he didn't reply. Sighing to myself I placed the phone down then run my hand through my hair.

"I hate it when we fight" I was on the verge of crying again but I stopped myself. Pulling my shirt up I placed my hand on my bump. "I'm sorry, mommy acts crazy sometimes but I promise I'll protect you even when your dad might not be there" I whispered as I made circles on my bump.


I was so upset with Lorenzo, how could he do this her. Every time Lorenzo gets involve with Mia's love life he goes messing it up. After I got Mia something to eat I went to my room. I hate seeing her cry it breaks my heart. She was so sad and she never the sad type of person. I always liked seeing her happy, smiling or even her looking serious is fine with me. Sitting on my bed I sighed when Lorenzo walked in.

"How could you do that to them Lorenzo?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"He's not good enough for her, did you see that he made her did? He made her cry, Mia never cries unless it's something serious" he said.

"Are you hearing yourself right now? How is he not good enough for her, they both love each other. Zane did anything to make Mia feel safe and happy, he goes to her room without you knowing and he knew you hated him but that never stopped him from going to meet her" I said and his jaw clenched and unclenched.

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