chapter 43

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I hated working with Logan he's so bossy and treats me like a little kid. I've been on many missions and he keeps telling me what to do and I'm the one doing the boring part of the mission like watch guard I never get to kill anyone or get a piece of the action ever since I started working with him. Sighing I walked through the door. Looking around I saw Mia laying down on the bed while scrolling through her phone. "What are you doing" I asked and she looked at me.

"Oh hey, you are back" she nervously laughed. I wondered why she was acting so weird.

"Yes I'm back" I said as I took slow steps towards her" she immediately placed the phone to her side then pursed her lip.

"So did you have fun today with Logan" she asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You know the answer to that, Logan keeps bossing me around and he's giving me the boring parts of the work" I whined and she giggled.

"So what have you been doing since I left" I asked as I removed my top.

"Nothing, I was just looking through some stuff" she said while looking down at her hands.

"Mia can I borrow your phone?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Why?" She asked with her eyebrows knitted together.

"I just want to borrow it to look at something" I told her as I reached for her phone.

"No" she said then took it up and placed it towards her chest.

"Okay, fine" I said then stood up, pulling my pants down I placed it to the side. "I'm going to have a bath" I said and she nodded. I knew she was hiding something but she wouldn't let me see. I am the jealous type and I really hope she's not talking to any guy. Walking into the bathroom I removed my boxers then stepped into the tub. I had a long bath and it felt really great. Stepping out of the tub I grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my waist. I left the bathroom and went into the closet. I've been staying at Mia's house for a while now. I rather stay with her and take care of our baby. After getting dressed I walked back into the room.

"Oh my god" Mia sniffed and I cocked one eyebrow up. Looking over at her she was crying.

"Why are you crying" I asked and she quickly wiped her tears.

"It's nothing" she said then placed her phone down.

"Mia you know I hate it when you hide things from me" I said then walked up to her. Climbing on top of the bed I sat down beside her.

"Okay, it's just that I was talking to Dave, he-" she was about to say when I cut her off.

"Dave? Who is Dave and why are you talking to him?" I asked and she looked at me weird.

"Calm down Zane he sells baby stuff, he was sending me some girls and boys clothes and they looked so cute, I just can't wait to put them on my baby" she sniffed and I scrunched my nose up.

"That's why you are crying, by looking at baby clothes" I said slowly as if I was counting my words.

"See that's why I didn't want to tell you because you would think I'm soft and I'm crying for no reason. I'm carrying your baby you know, the baby is making me emotional so it's your fault too" she pouted and I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry" I said and she nodded, with my arms wide open she snuggled into me and I smiled. Pulling back she pecked my lip then smiled. Her mood changed really quick because now she was happy, I could see it in her eyes.

"So can we go?" She asked me and I looked at her confused.

"Go where?" I asked and she slapped me on the shoulder.

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