chapter 19

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

Leaving my room once again I walked down the hall. I saw Valentina and Mason standing in the hall. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked and they gave me a smug look.

"A little birdie told me that you have a boy in your room" Valentina said and my eyes widen. I walked over to them then stoop down to their level.

"Shhh who told you that?" I asked.

"We saw" Mason said then folded his arms up to his chest. "We do business or we tell baba and mommy" he said with his hand out and I chuckled.

"What do you want?" I asked then rolled my eyes.

"Candy" they both said in unison.

"But dad said no candy" I told him and they pouted.

"Fine then we'll tell baba that you have a boyyy in your room" Valentina said and I rolled my eyes. "Five pieces of candy"

"2 pieces each" I said and they shook their head.

"4 pieces Mia" Valentina whined.

"3 pieces each or no deal" I told them and they nodded. Why did I teach them how to negotiate. I went downstairs and I saw Amelia sitting down with dad. I walked over to them then cleared my throat.

"Good morning dad" I said and he smiled. "Is that for me?" I asked and melia nodded "Thanks sis" I took the tray then walked away from them before dad said anything. I got the candy for the kids then went back upstairs.

"Here and if dad catches you don't tell him that I gave you the candy you are on your own" I told them and they nodded then walked away. I went back to my room. Zane was laying down while scrolling through his phone. I placed the tray on the bed and he looked up at me. He looked so hot with his hair all over the place. I bit my lip then sat down beside him.

"Zane if you do that again I'm going to kill you" I whispered in his ear and he chuckled then picked up an apple slice. A knocked sounded on my door and I groaned out loudly. Standing up I walked over to the door then opened it slightly.

"Good morning grandpa" I smiled then stepped out, closing the door on my way out.

I want to speak to you about something" he said and I nodded. I followed him to his office. He gestured me to sit down and I did.

"You know who Emilio is right?" Grandpa asked and my heart started beating faster. Did he know what happened at the mall. I was gonna tell him anyways. I nodded my head slowly then began playing with my fingers. "I heard that some guys killed his best guards and hurt Emilio" he said and my eyes widen.

"What!" I almost shouted and grandpa nodded.

"He got hurt so badly, he can't even walk again. They broke his arms, back and legs" he told me and I gasped, he deserved it though for trying to hurt me so I don't feel sorry for him.

"Do you know anything about him?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No I had no idea plus he deserves it because he's a jerk" I said and grandpa stood up.

"His father is going to hunt down the persons who did that to his son. He won't stop until he finds out who did it" grandpa said in a low voice and I pursed my lips. "That's all I want to tell you, you can leave I'm going downstairs to eat breakfast" he walked towards the door and I stood up and followed behind him. I went back to my room and I saw Zane laying down in bed while eating.

"You took so long I almost ate the whole thing" Zane said and I sighed then walked over to him.

"Kitty are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

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