chapter 12

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

The mission that I was about to do was really dangerous and I could get caught. If I do get caught they would torture me, maybe kill me. I know Zane was going to be there and I hope we are on the same page. I finally figured out that my grandpa was friends with Zane's dad Ace. He put us together on missions. I don't see why he didn't tell me in the first place through.

Maybe it's because I'm stubborn and refuse to work with anyone. Anyways I'm glad that my grandpa put us together to do missions. Zane is a really good friend and so is Zekel. Today the Rodolpho Gang was having a meeting. A lot of them were going to be there, except the boss he went to a business trip in Mexico but he will be joining them on face time.

Uncle Logan and his men had planted a bomb in the building and I know when they go off it will blow the whole place up. But there was a problem with one of the bombs and I had to fix it before they go off. It's scary but I think I can handle it.

The meeting will take place at 9:30 pm this will be better and easier for me because I won't be seen. I will be wearing full black. Grandpa made sure to tell me everything. Where the guards were and when will the meeting end.

I left my room and ran downstairs, I saw dad talking to grandma and mom, I made sure to tip toe pass them because my dad ask a lot of questions. Opening the door I walked outside then ran over to my car. Getting in I put my seatbelt on then drove off.

When I got to the place I took a deep breath then exhaled "okay, let's do this" I whispered to myself. Slowly walking up to the gates I saw two guards on stand by.  I took out my silencer pistol gun then fired at them. They both fell to the ground and I smiled. I continued walking towards the gate. I took out the camera's. Grabbing one of the guards hand I placed it towards the fingerprint scanner on the wall. The gate opened and I slowly walked in. Looking around I saw two guys walking around with their guns close to their chest.

I leaned up against the wall then slowly walked over to the wall of the building. "Hey, you" someone said and my eyes widen. I turned around and I saw one of the guys. He walked up to me and I held my hands in the air. "Who a-" as soon as he walked up to me I kicked him in the balls then pulled him towards me. Before he could scream I placed my hand on his head then turned right so it snapped. I could hear the breaking of his bones. He limp body fell to the ground and I sighed. Walking further down I saw where the bomb was. I quickly fixed it then took out the remote. "When I press this the whole place will go boom boom" I giggled. My finger accidentally pressed the button and my eyes widen.

"Oh shit I have five minutes to leave this place" I slowly walked back to where I was coming from. I saw Zane walking inside and my eyes widen. "Oh my god" I whispered to myself. There were cameras everywhere and if he blows our cover we might get caught and die. As soon as he reached the corner I pulled him in and he pushed me up against the wall then kissed me. Placing my hand on his chest I pushed him off. "You knew it was me?" I asked and he smirked.

"Yeah I know that smell anywhere so sweet" he whispered into my ear and I glared at him.

"You're crazy" I said, I heard someone coming and he placed his hands over my mouth then wrapped one arm around my waist. As soon as the person walked away I sighed.

"Zane we need to go there is a bomb and we don't have enough time" I told him and he raised his eyebrow.

"Bomb! What Bomb?" He asked.

"I'll tell you about it now can we please go" I told him and he nodded. He held my hand as we left the place. Someone was coming and Zane let go of my hand.

"Go I'll meet you there" he said and I nodded. I was finally outside and Zane hasn't come back yet. I was starting to get worried. We only had three minutes to get to somewhere safe. "Zane" I whispered while biting down on my lip. I have to go back inside to help him. What if they caught him. There was so many things going through my mind.

I was about to walk in when I was hit in the back of my head. I fell to the ground unconscious.

My eyes fluttered open and I look around. I was in a black and white room. I sat up and my head started pounding. I brought my hand to the back of my head where I got hit. "Where am I?" I whispered and Zane walked in with a tray in his hand.

"Are you okay?" He asked, placing the tray down he sat down beside me.

"Oh my god you are okay, I was so worried Zane" I hugged him tight and he hugged me back. "Wait what am I doing here" I asked.

"Your at my house" he said and I shook my head.

"I can't be here I need to leave Zane" I began to panick and he placed his hand on my cheek.

"Mia calm down" he said as he caressed my cheek.

"I can't I need to go home, m-" I was about to say when he cut me off.

"Don't worry, I told your grandfather what happened and he said you should stay and rest. He will cover for you" Zane explained and I sighed in relief.

"Your father is really over protective" Zane said.

"I'm still his little princess he doesn't want anything to happen to me" I told him.

"So what happened?" I asked as he gave me some water. I took a sip then placed the cup down.

"After you left I killed a guy, when I was leaving I saw when the guy hit you in the back of the head. I killed him because he hurt you" Zane said and I smiled.

"Here, eat this" he said then placed the tray on my lap. "I didn't know if you like chick-fil-a so" he said while scratching the back of his head.

"Actually I do, Thank you" I said and he nodded then smiled. After I finished eating Zekel came in.

"Zekel" I said then stood up, walking over to him I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hey Mia" he blushed and I giggled then pulled back.

"Where were you I didn't see you today?" I asked.

"I was busy with some other stuffs, I'm just glad both of you are okay" he said and I nodded.

"Zeke, can I call you Zeke?" I asked, I watched Zekel as he looked over my shoulder then back at me. He was about to say something when Zane cut him off.

"No! No nicknames" Zane said in a stern voice and I rolled my eyes.

"I want to see what your room looks like Zeke" I said and he chuckled.

"Maybe another time Mia, I have some work to do" Zekel said then walked towards the door.

"Bye" I closed the door and before I could turn around, Zane grabbed me and push me up against the wall. A gasped left my lips and my eyes widen. "What are you doing Zane, move!" I said while trying to push him back.

"You only give me nicknames and no one else" he said while staring into my eyes.

"When have I ever given you a nickname?" I asked.

"You don't remember, you moaned Zay" he mocked and I shook my head, I knew what he was talking about but I acted like I didn't. "You know you are a very bad girl, I don't like it when you talk to Zekel like that" he whispered into my ear.

"He's my friend, plus he's cute" I smirked and I could tell Zane was really upset.

"Don't call him cute, looks like I need to teach you a lesson. You're mine and you can't talk to any guy in that way except me. If Zekel is your friend talk him like a friend" he said then slapped my ass really hard.




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