chapter 15

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

I was laying in bed while staring up at the ceiling. My phone made a sound notifying me that a message came into my phone. I looked down at my phone then picked it up.

"Good morning beautiful"

I cocked one eyebrow up when I saw it was from an unknown number.

"It's Zane btw"

Wait how did Zane get my number?

▪Which one▪ I typed then smirked.

"Mia stop playing around, now go downstairs I bought you something"

He bought me something, what did he buy. What if someone see it. I quickly got out of bed then ran down the stairs. I looked around and I saw Amelia sitting in the couch while watching TV. "That's for you Mia" she said then turned towards me with a smirk on her face. I looked over at the table and I saw a bouquet of red roses and Ferrero rocher chocolates. I squealed then picked it up.

"My favourite chocolate how did he know" I paused then raised an eyebrow "wait how did he know?" I asked myself.

"Aww you guys are so freaking cute" Amelia said and I glared at her.

"No where not cute, how does he even know what my favourite chocolate is if I didn't tell him" I said to Mia and she shrugged.

"Maybe he has his ways I don't know but it's sweet that he does these things for you kitty" she said and I knitted my eyebrows together.

"What did you just call me?" I asked and she giggled.

"Kitty, Zane gave you a cute nickname" she smiled and I balled my hands in a fist "look at the card" she said then pointed at the card hanging below the flowers. I looked it then read what it said.

Kitty these are for you, I know you will love them especially the chocolate.

Who the fuck gives someone a nickname called kitty. I'm going tell Zane my mind. I rolled my eyes then went upstairs to my room. Placing the stuffs down, I sat down on my bed then picked up my phone.

▪How did you know Ferrero rocher chocolates was my favourite?▪

I have my ways Mia

▪you're a creep you know that▪

I'm not a creep, I'm supposed to know what my girlfriend likes▪

▪Zane it's not fair for me to know that you know everything about me while I know anything about you▪

don't worry Mia you'll get to know everything about me, I have a surprise for you later▪

▪I don't want it and why would you call me kitty, I hate it so please stop▪

No, I called you that because you are crazy cute, naughty, moody, mysterious, bossy, sneaky, stubborn and I can go on and on Kitty▪

▪Whatever Zane just call me Mia, thank you for flowers and chocolates▪

Placing my phone down I catch my hair into a ponytail. I walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. After I finished having a bath and getting dressed someone knocked on my door. "Mia!" Ameila shouted and I stood up then opened the door.

"Melia why are you shouting?" I asked her and she giggled then walked into my room. "Yeah come in and make yourself at home" I rolled my eyes then closed the door.

"We are going to the mall" she said and I shook my head.

"No Mia I'm not going the last time I went somewhere with you Zane was there" I said and she groaned.

"Mia, Mia, you are so boring. Anyways I don't care what you want to say you are coming and that's final" she said then folded her arms up to her chest. I laughed then laid down on my bed.

"We'll see" I said then smirked, I watched her go into my pantry then brought out the box of chocolate that Zane got me.

"I'll eat them" she said and I bit down on my lip.

"I don't care" I simply said and she opened it the took one out. I bit down on my lip so hard it almost bled. "Stop I'll go okay just please don't eat any" I said then ran over to her. I hated sharing my favourite chocolate with anyone. I grabbed it from her then placed it back on the self in my pantry.

"Yay! And dont bring any of your weapons Mia" She said and I rolled my eyes, my sister really knows how to get under my skin. I hated that she knew so much about me. Since both of us were already dressed we decided to leave.

When we got to the mall Melia smiled. I got out of the car then followed behind her. I really wasn't interested in buying anything. I ordered everything I need online. "Okay lets go to forever 21" she walked into the store and I held on to her hand.

"I left my phone in my car let me go get it" I told her and she nodded. I left the mall and went back to the parking lot. I was walking towards my car when I felt someone's presents behind me. I looked around the parking lot and it was empty. Shrugging my shoulders I continued walking. I was was almost there when someone grabbed my hand. I knew Zane would be here. I turned around and I gulped when I realized that it wasn't Zane. A really tall guy stood infront of me in a suit with a serious look on his face. I pulled my hand away from his and he just stared at me.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked and he was about to grab me when I kicked him in the balls. My dad always told me that a man's weakness is his balls, no matter how small or big he is. He fell to the ground, I shoved his face on the ground then sat on his back so he couldn't move. Pulling one hand behind him. "Who sent you?" I asked but he just whimpered in pain.

He wasn't going to say anything. I was about to knock him out when I was pulled off him then shoved up against the car. I wish I had my gun right now. Why would I listen to Amelia, I should've bring my weapons atleast a knife.

"The boss gave you one job and you let her beat you up" he spat at the guy on the floor.

"Let go of me asshole" I said while hitting his chest, his grip around my arms tightened and I stared into his eyes. More men in suits were coming and my heart started beating faster. I couldn't handle them even if I tried they were too many of them plus I didn't have anything to protect myself.

"Boss I have her" the guy that was holding me said on his phone. I really hope it's not the Rodolpho Gang or I'm dead.

"Thank you men I'll take it from here" someone said bit I couldn't see who it was. My eyes widen when the boss came forward.




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