Chapter 29

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

Not edited..

I was on my way home after getting my nails and toes done. I made an late appointment so I feel really tired and I couldn't wait to go home and take a long nap. After my nails were finished I was feeling hungry so I stopped at the supermarket to get something. Walking down the aisle I picked up a few snacks and a bottle of orange juice. My phone ping and I looked and realised that Zane was messaging me. Oprning the message I bit my lip then smiled.


■ Hey babe

you coming over tonight I have something to show ya

No not today I just finished getting my nails and toes done now I'm about to go home I'm really tired right now

Okay, tomorrow then. But why so late though you should be in bed you know I don't like when you are by yourself especially this late.

I rolled my eyes at the message as I walked up to the cashier.

■ I'll be fine Zane you worry too much, plus this isn't my first time.

fine but as you get home message me Okay

Will do goodnight babe

good night kitty

I still hate that name, after I paid for everything I left the store. Walking up to my car I grabbed my key from my pocket. I was about to open the car door when I felt that someone was behind me. I was about to turn around when I was pushed up against my car and a cloth was placed over my nose. The intoxicating scent filled my nose, my head began getting lighter and my eyes slowly began to close.

"Sleep tight princess"  was the last thing I heard before darkness consumed me.

My heard was hurting really bad and I felt nauseous. I could hear persons talking around me, male voices. I can't even remember what happened last night. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the room.

"Look whose finally awake" my eyes widen and I tried moving but then I realised my hands and feet where tied up and I piece of tape was on my mouth. I looked up and I saw thus unfamiliar face. I could start panicking but I felt so tired and it wouldn't even make a deference if I did. My heart beating really face and I was getting really scared.  The room that was not scary at all just looking like a regular living room

"Mia, Mia I don't think we have met before I'm..... Emilio's father" he said as he took steps towards me. I gasped while trying to move around in my chair. He placed his finger towards my mouth then ripped the tape off.

"Ahhhh fuck" I screamed and he chuckled.

"That's not the only pain you will be feeling darling after what your stupid boyfriend did to my son he going he's going to crying when I'm done with you" he laughed and I spit on him.

"If my family finds out what you are doing your going to be dead" I said and he smile evilly at me.

I heard his phone pinged and I looked over to his pocket. Removing the phone I realised it was mine. "Oh my god look your boyfriend texted you" he said while reading my messages

"Mia I thought I told you to text me when you reach home don't tell me that you fell asleep silly girl" he said and I wanted to cry so bad but I held it in. "Mia pick up your phone I've been calling you, do you sleep dead" he continued reading "Babe wake up now answer you know I hate it when I'm calling and you can't answer, Mia" he paused "Oh look he called you 12 times obsessed much, okay fine ill be over and if your still asleep im going to spank you" he said then placed the phone back into his pocket.

"If Zane finds out I'm missing your goin to be sorry" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up I don't care about you or any of your family I'll kill all of them and murder them one by one starting with You!" He shouted. "Did you see what your boyfriend did to my son" he said while pointing in another direction. I turned to the direction that he was pointing. Emilio  was in a wheel chair. He looked like he was in so much pain and I don't feel sorry for him after what he tried to do to me.

"He can't even do anything on his own" he paused "you bitch, you seduced my son and tried to have sex with him but when he said no and told you to leave you told your boyfriend that he was trying to rape you" he shouted, my eyes widen and my mouth fell open.

"What the actual fuck are you talking about?" I asked him then glanced at his son who was smirking at me.

"You know what I'm talking about Mia don't play dumb" he said and I laughed.

"First of all your son was the one who bought me a stupid chain that I already had with your money just to impress me and make Zane jealous but that didn't work. Second of all your son and his men met me in the parking lot of the mall and tried to fucking rape me, tried to kidnapped me, let his men have fun with me after he was finished then wanted to use me as his personal sex slave!" I shouted all in one breath and he turned to look at Emilio.

"She's lieing dad that's not true" he said with a sad look in his eyes and I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me the truth Emilio is that exactly what happened?!" He shouted at him and Emilio began to stutter "because you did tell me that you bought a chain for a girl at the auction but she already had one" he said.

"No- dad please believe me and not her" he told him and he father god angry then banged his fist into the wall.

"Tell me the truth or I swear to god Emilio.... is everything that she said was true?" He asked again and Emilio nodded. He father squeezed his eyes shout then placed his finger on his nose bridge.

"I went though all of this risking my fucking life to get this Esposito girl, if her grandpa finds out what I did you know he's going to kill me right. I only took that risk because of you only to find out what really happened, you deserved what happened to you all along I thought Zane was the bad guy, I humiliated my fucking self. I- you know what get out of my site or I swear I'm going to hurt you even more!" He shouted and Emilio nodded om fear then strolled away.

His father turned towards me then sighed. "I'm sorry Mia" he said as he untied both my hands and legs. Standing up I took a few steps back from him. "I sorry I didn't know that my son was lieing I thought it was you who tried to do all that stuff. You can leave" he said then pointed towards the door. "Your car us out front" he said then shoved his hands into his pocket. He based me all of  Turning his back to me I slowly walked pass him.

"I'm going to die for nothing now all because of that idiot I was risking my life to get revenge for him" he said to himself but I heard. I left his house then walked over to my car. I was so confused about what happened awhile ago. Getting into my car I drove off then picked up my phone to call Zane. In fact I didn't want Zane or my family knowing anything about what happened. I had to keep this one to myself.




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