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"Zane wake up the baby is crying" Mia said as she nudge my shoulder. I groaned then sat up,rubbing the sleep away from my face. Standing up, I made my way over to the door. I left the room and walked down the hall to Niko's nursery. Yes, I said Niko, Mia choose his name, she said that it represents her grandpas name 'Nikolai' she really loves her grandpa. I just let it slide, old man was so happy when he heard that the baby's name was Niko, I for one wanted to name him Mario but Mia refused so I let it slide.

"Niko good morning" I said as I took a step into his room. He looked up at me and smiled showing his eight teeth. "That's the smile I was looking for" I grinned as I walked up to his crib then leaned forward to give him a kiss.

"Dada" Niko screamed as I picked him up. I can't believe Niko is one years old already it was just like yesterday when he came into this world. Oh yeah, I sucked at parenting, if it wasn't for Mia, I don't know if Niko would've survived. She had to show me how to do everything it was a little embarrassing.

I picked up Niko then went back to our room. Mia was still sleeping so I decided to get Niko ready because we are going to Mia's parents house because today is Valentina's birthday. Before Niko was born Mia and I decided to get a house, since her father didn't want her to be far away from him he made us a house that is very close to his home. We could just walk over to their house, I didn't want that but since Mia was happy with it then I agreed, so we have our own house now and they do respect our privacy, if they want to come over they would call.

"Wanna take a bath with daddy?" I asked Niko as we walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later I came out of the bathroom then wrapped a towel around my waist. I wrapped one around Niko then left the bathroom. "Lets get you dressed first" I said as I made my into his nursery. I grabbed his grey tam, black shoes and his top and bottom. Putting on his clothes quickly, I went back to my room to get dressed.

"Zane" Mia said as she sat up.

"Oh you're up" I smiled and she nodded as he stood up and made her way over to me.

"Aww you got Niko ready" she cooed as she kissed his cheek.

"Mama" Niko called with his arms wide open. Mia took him then gave him a big hug. "So you guys are ready to leave, have you eaten something?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I'm going to get dressed" I paused "we can get something to eat at your parents house, while this little guy gets his breakfast, just let me go get dressed then I'll take him so you can have a bath" I told her and she nodded.

After getting dressed Mia gave the baby to me. "Okay Niko lets get you something to eat" I said as I left the room and he just stared at me. I went downstairs to the kitchen. Placing him down in his highchair I turned the screen on for him to watch coco melon. Grabbing some fruit from the fridge, I cut them up into small bites. "Do you want oatmeal?" I asked him and he smacked his lips then tilt his head to side.

"Okay oatmeal it is" I said then placed his sippy cup down along with his plate if fruits. I still can't believe I'm a dad, ever since Niko was born our lives ha been easy. We didn't get to mission like we used to and I missed that. I glanced at Niko who was shoving the fruits in his mouth. "Oh yeah let's get you in a bib" I said as I grabbed his bib then placed it around his neck "you nasty little eater" I said and he grinned. I rather spend time with my son than go on missions anyway. Mia and Niko means the world to me.

"You're oatmeal is ready" I whispered to myself. Taking a seat beside him, I began feeding the oatmeal to him. My phone started ringing and I wondered who it was. Glancing down at my phone, I answered the call.

"Hey Zekel!"

"Aren't you guys coming over?"

"Yeah Mia is getting ready so we will be there in a few"

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