Chapter 18

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up. I looked over to my left side hoping to see Zane beside me but the bed was empty. Looking around the room I sighed then stood up. I walked into the bathroom brushed my teeth, washed my face then combed my hair up into a messy bun. "I can't believe Zane left" I whispered to myself as I left the bathroom. I heard my window open and I saw Zane coming through it. "What the fuck Zane" I cursed then walked over to him.

"Kitty you're awake?" He said as he walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Where were you?" I asked, folding my arms up to my chest while tapping my foot against the ground waiting on him to answer.

"I went back home to freshen up" he said and I rolled my eyes. "Look I brought something for you" he said and I looked into his eyes.

"What's that? I hope it's food" I told him with a smile.

"Better" he said and I raised my eyebrow.

"What's better than food" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"Me" he whispered into my ear and I cringed pushing him back. I pouted then walked over to my bed. Sitting down I folded my arms up to my chest. Zane chuckled then sat down, he kissed my cheek then pulled my hand away from my chest. Intertwining our fingers together.

"Are you sad?" He asked and I turned towards him then nodded. "Okay I'll make something for you Okay?" He stood up and I watched him as he walked into the pantry. He looked around then hummed.

"There's nothing that I want in here I'll have to go downstairs" he smirked and my eyes widen.

"No way, are you crazy?" I asked as he walked over to the door.

"Yes I am" he said then opened the door. My heart was throbbing in my chest. I quickly got up then ran over to him.

"Zane No! Someone could see you" I told him and he gave me a 'I don't care look' he walked down the hall and I followed behind him. "Zane" I whined and he ignored me then continued walking. "You know if my dad sees you he's going to kill you then he'll be mad at me" I said as I followed behind him. He stopped in his tracks and I bumped into him. He turned towards me then raised his eyebrow.

"Kitty I'm sure your father and I can talk this through" he said and I immediately shook my head.

"Are you crazy and stop calling me kitty I don't like it" I told him. He walked into the kitchen and I sighed. It was really early in the morning so everyone was sleeping. I hope dad doesn't wake up. Zane looked into the fridge and took out some eggs, bacon, bread and fruits. "I'll make some waffles too" he said and I felt like crying.

"No Zane this is too far you have to go back upstairs before someone comes down here" I warned him and he looked at me then rolled his eyes. He continued doing what he was doing.

While Zane was making breakfast I was on the look out. I bit down on my nails hoping that someone didn't come downstairs. Zane was almost finished and I thanked god. Everything smelled so great and couldn't wait to try it.

"Zane let's go now we've been down here for awhile" I said then walked over to him.

"Wait let me get some orange juice" he said and I rolled my eyes. I heard footsteps coming towards us and I panicked. I grabbed Zane's hand then pushed him into a small corner near the fridge. He looked at me then chuckled. I was panicking and the ass was laughing at me.

"Wow something smells good" Amelia said as she walked into the kitchen. I awkwardly smiled at her.

"Hey Amelia" I said as she walked over to me.

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