chapter 23

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours


I woke up when I realised that the light was shining inside the room. Looking over at Mia I smiled. She looked so peaceful, her long black hair falling off her shoulder. Her back was turned towards me, I licked my lips then trailed my fingers along her smooth skin, going all the way up to her breast I cupped it with my hand. Giving it a squeeze she moved around a little. Mia was finally mine and I couldn't get enough of her, if I were to loose her I would go crazy.

"Kitty" I whispered in her ear. Pulling her closer to my body I eased her legs apart. Placing my tip towards her entrance I rubbed it against her folds before sliding into her.  "Augh" I groaned then began moving slowly in and out of her. I could feel her tightening around me. Fuck why is she so tight, she could make me come in her real fast. Even though her eyes were closed I could tell she wasn't sleeping. Her lips parted and I smirked. I began moving my hips faster, I circled her clt with my finger.

"Zay" she moaned and I looked at her. Her mouth was agape and her eyes were open. She placed her hand on mine then bit her lip. "Go slow and deep okay" she said and I did what she said. I went slow but my thrust were deep. She cried out in pleasure, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her toes curled.

"Ahhh fuck" I groaned, she turned towards me. I slid into her and she leaned forward then kissed me. Grabbing her leg I placed it over mine. Picking up my paste she buried her head into my neck. She run her fingers through my hair pulling and tugging at it. Pulling out of her I made her lay on her back. She held both her legs up and I went in between them. Slamming into her, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I leaned forward then kissed her lip going all the way down to her breast. "Oh my god, yes Zayy, right there" she moaned. I love it when she moans my name. She placed her hands on my ass then gave it a squeeze.

"Augh, fuck Mia" I moaned, spreading her legs a little more I thrust into her hard and fast. The sound of the bed squeaking filled the room along with my hips slapping against hers. Her hands were roaming my body, digging her fingernails into my skin each time I hit a spot.

"Zane I'm gonna..." I slapped her ass really hard and she cried out "Zayy!" She screamed, I placed my hand over her mouth and tears filled her eyes. I wanted shoot my seeds deep inside her, make her get pregnant with my baby. Someday. I wanted her to feel good and I never ever want to see her sad and crying. She came trembling and I pulled out of her then slammed into her again. She tightened around me and I groaned. Mia placed her hand on my chest pushing me back a little.

"Zane no" she said, I thrust into her a few more times, I could feel myself coming and I know she could tell I was about to. "Don't come" she whispered but I smirked then shoot my seeds deep inside her. Slamming into her one last time I pulled out. Both of us were breathing heavily. As soon as our breathing were even she looked up at me.

"Are you trying to get me pregnant?" She asked and I chuckled. She was serious.

"Just go take a pill" I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't have any, why didn't you wear a condom?" She asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"Why would I when I thought you had pills?" I said and she stood up. She catch her hair up into a ponytail then walked over to her suitcase. She looked so sexy. I prefer when she's naked.

"Well I can't afford to get pregnant I have a lot of things to take care of" she said and I sighed. She began searching through her suitcase and her eyes lit up. "Oh I do have my pills and some condoms" she  rolled her eyes then turned to me.

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