chapter 39

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I was doing my hair when a knock sounded on my door. Standing up I walked over to the door then unlock it. "Good morning" Melia said as she walked into my room.

"Good morning" I said in a low voice as I walked back over to my bed then sat down. She sat down beside me then grabbed my hand.

"I still can't believe that you are pregnant, I'm so happy" She squealed and I looked over at her. "Hmm.... so did Zane call or text you since that day?" She asked.

"No, he has been ignoring me for the past three weeks. I stopped caring if he wants to ignore me then fine, I don't care" I told her then shrugged my shoulders. She sighed then look down at the floor. I used to cry almost every night when I thought about him. I mean, I really fell deeply in love with him and he hurt my feeling. I'm not even sure if he broke up with me, it's been weeks and he still hasn't said anything to me.

"Zekel told me that Zane hasn't left his room, maybe he's scared to come to you" Amelia said to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Scared? Zane isn't scared and even if he was he could've sent me a text or call me over the phone, now I don't want to talk about him" I said and she sighed.

"Okay" she paused "I can't believe your bump is starting show even more" she squealed and I gave her a small smile.

"Yeah I'm not wearing any big shirt, just this tank top it makes my bump look even bigger" I said and she nodded then placed her hand on my baby bump.

"It's a girl" she said and I raised my eyebrow.

"What makes you so sure it's a girl?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"I don't know, I just really want the baby to be a girl, so what do you want the baby to be?" She asked and I shrugged.

"It doesn't really matter I just..." I said but stop talking when I realize that I should be having this conversation with Zane too but he's not here which makes me sad. I quickly shake that feeling away then glanced down at my baby bump. "I feel like it's a boy" I told her and she giggled.

"No Mia i-" she was bout to say but was cut off when Aiden walked in.

"Sup sis" he said as he walked towards us. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked as he took a seat beside me.

"We are talking about the gender of the baby" Amelia chimed in and Aiden placed his finger on his chin.

"It's a boy definitely and I say that because I really dont want it to be a girl" he said "It's weird having this conversation with you Mia, maybe it's because I never imagined you getting pregnant anytime soon I thought you were going to be the last one to get pregnant, you couldn't even get your mission done" he said and that made me feel bad.

"Aiden shut up, Mia don't listen to him" Melia said and Aiden gave her the 'What did I do look'

"He is right Amelia I couldn't even get my mission done without messing up I'm so worthless maybe that's why Zane hates me" I sniffed and Aiden walked up to me. Wrapping his arms around me he laid his head on top of mine.

"I'm sorry Mia.... but that's not true, I'm sure you could've killed that guy even when you are pregnant. You are a badass mom and there is a badass baby inside of you" he said and we all started laughing. "And by the way Zane doesn't hate you" he added. Pulling back he kissed the top of my head. "What I really came up here for is to tell you that grandpa just came back from his trip and he wants to speak with you" as soon as he said this my heart started beating faster.

"Okay" I said and he nodded then left my room and so did Amelia. Normally I tell grandpa everything but I didn't tell him because I was scared. He is going to be so disappointed in me and I doubt that any of my family told him I was pregnant. Standing up I walked over to my door, slowly opening it I walked through. As I walked down the hall I thought about what my grandpa was going to say to me, walking up the stairs I bit down on my lip and my heart continued beating fast.

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