chapter 34

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"Where are we going Zane?" I asked as he pulled me towards the car. We got into the car and Zane took out his gun then handed it to me. "My dad had this friend, his name is Karl... My dad really trusted him and told him a lot of stuff. Turns out that he sold my dad out for money and that's why you can't trust anyone" Zane said to me as he drove off and I nodded. "Karl gave them some really important information, my dad figured out where he was then told me to go get him and bring him back to his place" Zane looked at me and I pursed my lip.

"So who did he give the information to?" I asked and he sighed.

"The boss of the Rodolpho Gang now we'll have to do a change of plan. I don't understand why is that guy is so hard to find" Zane said as he stopped in front of a stoplight.

"Shit" I mumbled, I can't believe that it's so hard to find this guy, we've killed many of his men and yet still he hasn't come after us, I think he's planning something big or he's just hiding. Maybe after I complete this mission I can focus on having more fun with my family. My dad would be so happy. I stared out the window then sighed. I still haven't told my dad about Zane, I don't want to break his heart and when he does find out all by himself it will break his heart even more.

"Mia," Zane said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times then looked at him.

"Yeah?" I said with a questionable look on my face. He leaned forward then pecked my lip. I looked around and I realize that the car had stopped.

"Are you ready?" Zane asked and I nodded, we both got out at the same time and he walked towards me. I looked at the small house that was in front of us.

"Is this it?" I asked and he shook his head.

"We have to walk a few blocks down didn't want him to be suspicious. Grabbing my hand he walked to the back of the houses. When he stopped in front of a big blue house I knew it was Karl's own. When we got into his yard Zane pulled me to the back of his house then placed his finger on his lip.

"I want you to be quiet okay, stay here I'll go in" he whispered to me and I  shook my head.

"I want to come with you," I said to him and he told me no.

"It's safer out here plus you can stand guard if he tries to escape" Zane whispered and I rolled my eyes. He walked over to the sliding door then slowly opened it. I hated the fact that he didn't want me in there. I don't want to stand guard I want to help him catch that guy. I just stood outside looking around. I can't believe this guy doesn't have security, not even a dog.


Slowly walking up the stairs I heard whispering. I took my gun out then looked around walking down the s
hall the voices were getting louder. Kicking the door open I saw two guys sitting around a desk discussing something but Karl wasn't there. They tried reaching for their guns and before they could I fired two shots. Their bodies fell to the ground. I quickly got out then looked around the rest of the house. Karl was nowhere to be found. Sighing I left and went back downstairs to get Mia when I saw Karl standing behind her. His hands were wrapped around her waist and her body was limp in his arms. My eyes widen as I walked up to him, I pointed the gun at his head he jumped.

"What did you do to her?" I asked with my jaw clenched.

"Zane... I didn't do anything I swear" he lied and I looked down at Mia.

"You hit her!" I shouted when I saw that one of Mia's eyes was swollen.  "I don't care if my dad wants you alive I will kill you right here for hurting her. "Don't move or I will blow your fucking brains out" I said and he gulped.

"Zane please don't kill me, when I saw her out here I was about to kill her when she spotted me. We started fighting then all of a sudden she fell unconscious, I'm still confused" he said and I rolled my eyes then head-butted him with the gun. I grabbed Mia then watched him fall to the ground. I sighed as I looked at her unconscious body. I tied Karl's hands and feet so if he wakes up he won't be able to move.

Getting back to my car. I placed Mia inside then got in. I placed her seat belt on then placed my hand on her chest so she won't fall forward. Starting car I drove up to Karl's house then went to go get him. He was still unconscious, I wish I could just kill him but I couldn't, my dad wanted him alive. Placing him in the trunk I walked to the driver seat getting in k realized that Mia was still unconscious.  I was really worried and I hoped that she was okay. I wasn't going back to her house I was going to take her to my house.

I can bet that those guys who Karl was talking to are a part of the Rodolpho Gang, well they won't be carrying any news to their boss cause they are dead.

Pulling up at my house I got out of the car. Walking over to Mia's side I opened the door then picked her up. Looking down at her it looked like she was sleeping. I walked inside the house then went upstairs to my room. Gently placing Mia down on the bed, I moved a strand of hair that was in her face then moved it behind her ear. Grabbing my phone from my pocket I texted my dad.

□ Karl is in the trunk of my car, and I killed two men at his house so that needs to be taken care of.

Well done my boy

Placing my phone down I sighed "Kitty" I called but she didn't wake up. "Mia" I called while rocking her a little her eyes flew opened and her eyes landed on me. She sat up quickly then placed her hand on her forehead.

"You shouldn't sit up that quickly after fainting, what happened out there?" I asked her as she looked at me as if she was lost.

"Oh, um.... this guy came up to me and I was trying to fight him but I don't know what happened after that. My head started hurting and I fainted, that's it" she told me and I leaned forward then placed my hands on her cheek.

"I shouldn't have brought you with me," I told her and her face sadden.

"What makes you say that?" She asked with her head tilted to the side.

"Your dad was right I can't even protect you, it's like every time we do a mission together you get hurt.

"What you are saying is not true Zane, you can protect me whatever happened today wasn't your fault. If I hadn't fainted I could've killed that guy" she explained and I sighed.

"I love you so much and I wouldn't want anyone to hurt you," I told her and she leaned forward, staring into my eyes.

"I love you too, I've been doing this for a long time and I do get hurt a lot so you need to stop worrying," I told him and he nodded. "As soon as we kill the boss I'll take a long break so you and dad won't have to worry that much" she assured me and I smiled.

"Yes," I said then pecked her lip "I would love that," I said in a low voice.

"Both of us can take a break together" she giggled and I told her maybe.




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