chapter 5

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours


I am so fucking angry, who is that and why did he do that. Was it revenge for killing Armando. I stormed inside the house and ran up to my grandfather's office. Opening the door I slammed it shut then ran my hand through my hair. Grandpa cleared his throat and I looked up then rolled my eyes. He gave me a stern look and I sighed then walked out of his office.

Knocking on the door, I folded my arms up to my chest waiting on grandpa to tell me to come in "you may enter" he said and I walked in then closed the door gently.

"I'm sorry grandpa, it's just that I'm so angry at that guy" I told him and he pointed at the chair. I sat down then let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

"So when I went at the top of the roof to kill the woman, I saw that she was already dead. She had a bullet hole in her head and there was so many blood. When I looked up I saw the guys that I met at the hotel in the hall" I told him and he nodded "Grandpa do you know what he did when I saw him. He smirked at me, now why was he even there? it cannot be a coincident that I met him again, I think he is stalking me or something" I said and grandpa chuckled.

"Or maybe he goes on missions just like you do Mia" grandpa suggested and I raised my eyebrows.

"But why would we get the same mission twice?" I asked and grandpa shrugged. "I swear if I see that guy again, I'm going to tell him my mind" I said then left the office. I went into my room then removed all of my clothing.

"I am going to do some workout maybe I'll feel a little better even though it's late, but I don't care" getting dressed in my workout clothes I grabbed a bottle of water from my pantry then left my room.

When I got to the gym I started working out, lifting weights then did a few body workouts until I was tired. I stopped what I was doing then drink some water. "Ahh that hits the spot" I whispered. The door opened and closed startling me. I looked up and I saw Aiden walked in.

"Hey Mia, is everything okay?" Aiden asked as he walked over to me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I told him and he sat down on the bench beside me.

"Then why are you up so late workingout? I heard you slammed the door when you came in" Aiden said and I sighed.

"It's about the mission some guy did my job and I got angry" I told him and he chuckled.

"Don't worry you'll get more mission to do" he paused "now go get some sleep you might get another mission tomrrow" he said and I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Good night Aiden by the way I'm sorry that I woke you up" standing up we both left the gym. I went back to my room. Took a shower before going to bed.
Next Week

The mission that I was doing was pretty weird. I had to wear a fake pregnancy belly to go to a prenatal night class. The guy that I am about to kill tonight is apart of the Rodolpho Gang his name is Jack and he's about to kill his ex girlfriend who cheated on him with another man and got pregnant. I'm not really responsible for the girl I'm just going for Jack. But I won't let him hurt the girl. After placing the fake bump on I put on my shirt and yoga pants. Walking over to the mirror I looked at my fake bump then laughed a little. "I do look cute when I'm pregnant" I giggled then did a little dance.

The fake pregnancy belly look so realistic you couldn't even tell it was fake. Grabbing my bag I left my room then went to grandpa's office. I really hope that I don't see that guy again. He's probably going to be there since we are after the same people but I won't let him win this time.

"Grandpa I'm leaving, I'll be back before 9pm" I told him and he nodded. I left the office, while walking down the hall I bumped into my dad.

He looked at me from head to toe then knitted his eyebrows together. "I don't even wanna know" he said and I smiled. "Mia I would like to introduce you to someone one day he is very hardworking and loves his work. Y-" he was about to say when I interrupted him.

"Dad I don't got time for this right now just let it go" I said then walked passed him. I don't get why he wants me to be with someone. I thought dad's were supposed to protect you from dating any guy and tell you that you should wait until you are a hundred. I walked down the stairs and I saw my brothers.

"Mia you are pregnant" Mason said in shock and Aiden looked up and laughed.

"It's not real Mason" I told him and he laughed then placed his hand on his chest.

"You scared me there for a little bit" he said and I chuckled.

"I'll be back okay" I said then left the house. Getting into my car I placed my bag down then put on my seatbelt. "Being pregnant is a lot of work" I said to myself then drove off.

When I got to the place I sighed. I can't believe I'm about to do this. Walking up to the front door it opened and I was welcomed by a pregnant woman. She smiled and I smiled back at her. "Good night welcome to our prenatal class I can tell this is your first time coming here, we have both night and morning classes" she said and I nodded.

"Yeah it is, I can't wait until my bundle of joy gets here" I said while rubbing my belly. She began looking behind me and I wondered why. She cleared her throat then turned her attention back to me.

"Um... where is your partner?" She asked and I bit my lip. Grandpa didn't tell me that I needed a partner to do this fuck.

"I do-" I was about to say when I was cut off.

"I'm sorry that I am late honey" someone said then wrapped their arms around my waist.




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