Chapter 47

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I hate it here, it made me feel sick to my stomach. I sighed as I placed my hand on my baby bump. "Everything is going to be okay" I whispered.

"Fucking shit how could we let this happen? I should have stayed behind and killed him my fucking self" Rodolpho whisper shouted as he walked in. I wondered what they were taking about. I was feeling really hungry right now and I'm feeding for two which makes it a lot worst. "How is my prisoner doing?" Rodolpho asked and I stood up then walked up to him.

"I'm hungry" I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Go get her something to eat" Rodolpho told Dave and he nodded then walked off.

"So where is Zane's body?" I asked, I knew something was up and he was acting funny.

"We didn't bother to take it with us he was full of blood and stuff, it made me sick" he said with a disgusted look on his face. Part of me didn't believe bit the other part did. I could feel the tears coming but I tried my best not to let them fall.

"Tomorrow we are leaving this place, we can't trust anyone for all we know you're family could find our location any minute now" Rodolpho said as he paced around the room. Dave came back into the room with a tray in his hands.

"Here" he said as he slid the tray under the cell. I quickly grabbed it then looked down. It looked like soup but it was disgusting, green and stuff.

"I don't want it" I told him and he laughed.

"Starve then see if I care, I'm not the one carrying a baby!" Rodolpho shouted at me and I rolled my eyes. I walked back over to the corner then sat down on my bed.

"Sir we have a problem" someone said as they walked into the room.

"What do you mean we have a fucking problem?" Rodolpho asked. Frustration written all over his face "I'll be back, watch her" Rodolpho ordered Dave and he nodded. As soon as he left Dave walked up to the cell.

"Hmm..." he hummed then licked his lips. "Mia I really like you, when I saw that Zane guy touch you I wanted to brake his fingers" he said as he slowly placed his hand in his pocket. I watched his every move, I didn't trust him one bit.

"You are a fucking psycho, all of you are and that's why people like you should die" I spat and he grinned.

"You see... that hurts Mia" Dave laughed as he slowly pulled a key out of his pocket. That pretty little mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble" he said as he used the key to pull the cell. He took a step inside and I moved back a little.

"Don't come near me" I said and he just stared at me while taking slow steps towards me. I wasn't afraid of him but I was scared that he was going to hurt me especially since I'm in this state.

"If you try anything Mia that baby inside you won't be alive anymore... so if I were you I would keep quiet" he told me and I looked around. No one was around but the two of us. He sat down on the bed and my breathing started to increase. Dave leaned into me then inhaled scent. I felt so disgusted, I quickly grabbed the hair pin form my hair then stabbed him in the neck.

"Fucking bitch" he cursed as he pulled back. He placed his hand on his neck and blood started running down his neck. Standing up I kicked him where it hurts most and I thought he would fall to the ground but he didn't. Dave grabbed me then pushed me down on the bed. He pulled the hair pin from his neck then whimpered.

"I tried to go easy on you but I'll do it the hard way" he said as he wrapped his hand around my throat.

"Get you're fucking hands off my sister!" Aiden shouted as he burst through the door. He held his gun high then pressed the trigger. The bullet flew through Dave's head and he fell on top of me. I was glad when I heard Aiden's voice. Tears filled my eyes and I quickly wiped them away, I was happy to see him. Pushing Dave's body off me he fell on the floor. Aiden came runnig over to me, he hugged me then kissed the top of my head.

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