chapter 33

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2 Months


Walking over to the mirror I cleared my throat. "Okay Mia you can do this," I told myself. I wrote down a few sentences on how I should tell dad that Zane is my boyfriend. I feel like if I tell him really soon a lot of weight would come off my shoulders.

"Okay maybe I should just blurt it out, dad Zane is my boyfriend!" I said but that won't work.

"Dad, I'm sorry to say but Zane and I are in a relationship" I paused "nope that's not it either. Maybe I should just tell him.

"Dad, I'm a grown-ass woman and I can be with whomever I want to be with, Zane is my boyfriend and if you don't want us to be together then......... bye," I said with a serious look on my face. I can't say that my dad would kill me, I laughed then shook my head.

"Dad, I know you wanted me to be with someone simple and not killing bad guys but I'm sorry, I really love Zane, he so nice and sweet and he can protect me," I said in a low voice, okay this one wasn't so bad. My phone pinged and I looked over at it on my bed. Quickly walking over to it,  I saw that Zoey texted me.

■ Hey Mia, what are you planning on doing tonight?

Zoey is my friend, she's really nice and pretty. My uncle logan had introduced her to me when we went on this mission. She's one of his friend's daughters. From that day we became friends. I don't really have a lot of friends, I think having one friend is enough for me.

□ I'm not sure, are you coming over?

■ yeah, we can play some games, or watch TV and chill.

□  yeah, that would be fun.

A knock sounded on my window and I jumped. Placing my phone down I turned my head towards the window. Zane waved at me and I smiled. All of a sudden I felt really happy to see him. Running over to my window I opened it and let him in.

"Why aren't there any guards around this side?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

"I told them not to come around this side of the house", I said as he walked over to my bed then laid down. I pouted as I walked up to him, sitting on the bed I looked down at him then slapped him on the shoulder. "You didn't even give me a kiss you just ran to my bed", I told him and he chuckled then sat up.

"I'm sorry, come here", he said then cupped my cheek. He leaned forward then kissed my lips. Pulling away from him, I folded my arms up to my chest. "Kitty" he called and I rolled my eyes. "Look I brought your favorite chocolate that you said you were craving for," he said and I smiled then turned towards him.

"Yay!" I squealed, he handed it to me and I took it from him then pecked his lip.

"Oh and guess what I saw your dad at the supermarket when I was purchasing that," he said and my eyes widen.

"Really, did he see you?" I asked as I ate one of the chocolate.



Mia called me asking if I could go to the store to get some Ferrero Rocher chocolate. "I don't get why Mia loves this chocolate so much, I mean it's nice and all but if Mia had a hundred of these she would've eaten all of it," I said to myself. Turning around I saw Mia's dad walking up to me while looking around. His eyes landed on me and I scratched the back of my head.

"How is your dad doing, haven't seen him in a while?" he asked as he began browsing through the counters.

"Yeah he's really busy, sometimes he's not even home," I told him and he nodded then picked up the same case of chocolate. We both walked up to the cashier and the line was really. I wish I could just get over with this

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