chapter 1

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

When I was four years old I held my first gun. When a crazy woman that was said to be the woman that gave birth to us tried to kill my mom and her unborn baby. I shot her before she could but then my dad got shot. I was so scared that something might have happened to him but he turned out okay. When I turned eight I was no longer into princess and doll stuff. I wanted to be a spy go on mission and fight bad guys. I told my dad that I wanted to learn how to use a gun but he told me no. So I asked grandpa and told me I could when I'm sixteen atleast, I agreed and I couldn't wait until that day comes.

My dad was a little worried about me that I'm no longer his princess anymore but I assured him that I will always be his princess. At first mom didn't approve but then she just let me do it. She knew it was dangerous and she didn't want me to get hurt but I'm 23 now and I am very good at shooting and fighting. My grandpa taught me well.

They still worry about me even though I am a grown ass woman and I really love that they care. My grandpa made me do missions for him. I loved targeting guys that are bad and are up to no good.

Walking into grandpa's office I sat down in the chair in front of him. "Grandpa so what's my mission for the day" I asked while chewing on my gum. He sat up in his chair, picking up a file he threw it towards me. "Thanks, so what did this one do now I asked while looking down at his photo.

"Rodriquez he stole 43 million from me, he said he would repay me what he stole but he left the country. We've got a location and I want you to beat the shit out of him but don't kill him, bring him back here" he warned and I rolled my eyes then nodded.

"Grandpa I wasn't going to kill him" I said mischievously and he gave me warning.

"Mia I'm serious you always do this I want him alive, now do as I say or I'll send someone else to do it" he said and I groaned.

"Fine I won't kill him" standing up I left his office and walked down the hall to my room. Gathering all my stuff in my bag I took up my gun that was safely hidden in the wall then slid it in my waist. I combed my hair up into a ponytail then sighed.

"Okay this is it I can't wait to get my hands on that guy" I evilly smirked then left my room. Walking down the stairs I bumped into my father. "Hey dad" I said with a smile plastered on my face.

"You're going on a mission right?" He asked and I nodded. He sighed then held my hand in his. "Please be careful I don't know why my dad agree with you doing this" he said and I groaned out loudly.

"Dad you always do this I've killed many bad guys before I'll be fine" I told him and he gave me a small smile.

"I know but other from that I want you settle down with someone atleast" he told me.

"When I find the right one okay, see you later dad" I said then kissed his cheek. Leaving the house I got into my car then drove off. I couldn't wait to get my hands on this guy, I have a plan and it's going to be great.

When I got to the man's house I placed my lipstick on and fixed my dress. Knocking on his door he opened it a few minutes later. "How can I help you" he asked and I bit my lip.

"Rodriquez someone sent me here as a gift to you" I purred and he smirked. Pushing him inside I pulled out my handcuffs.

"You've been a bad girl" he mused then slapped my ass. I felt so disgusted by him if he was hot this would've been much better for me.

"Yes I've been a very bad girl" I pouted. He laid down on the bed and I got on his lap straddling his waist. "I want to show you that I can be a very good girl" I whispered in his ear then handcuffed his hand to the bed. I did the same to his other hand then stared down at him. I can't believe this guy was so easy to catch.

Grabbing a whip from the bag I run it across his skin "you know something I really don't like bad guys" I paused wrapping the whip around his neck. "I kill them" I laughed then tightened the whip around his neck. His eyes widen and he began gasping for air. "But I can't kill you because my grandpa insist that I bring back alive but I'm going to have a little fun" he started screaming and I stuff the cloth in his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up or I swear you are going to get it, why are you screaming like a little bitch" I spat then run my gun across his chest. He was so scared, sweat trailing down his face and tears in his eyes.

"I'm going to slowly remove this cloth from your mouth and you are going to tell me where is the 43 million that you owe Nikolai?" I asked and his eyes widen. Pulling the cloth from his mouth he stared into my eyes.

"Please tell Nikolai that he should give me a few more days please" he begged and I smirked "see I have 30 million over there in that bag I just need 13 million please" he beg and I placed my finger on his lips.

"Shush, No no, Nikolai gave you enough time" I said then removed the whip from his neck. I got off him then slapped him with the whip "He screamed out in pain as I stuff the cloth in his mouth "hmm.... your screams are like music to my ears" I said then hit him again.

"Since I can't get to kill you then I'll have my little fun with you" I laughed then continued hitting him. Placing my gun back into my waist I grabbed a cloth from my pocket then placed it against his nose and mouth. He fell unconscious and I smiled.

"Okay let just get these off your hands" I said as she removed the handcuff. I pushed him off the bed and he fell on the ground. Grabbing both his hand I pulled him across the floor. Once I reached outside I tied his arms and legs then placed him inside the trunk. Of course I didn't forget the money I placed it down in the backseat of the car.

"Now that that's done I need to get something to eat" I whispered to myself as I got into the car. After placing my seatbelt on I drove off.

"Grandpa guess whose back!" I shouted as I walked into his office.

"Mia did you do as I say?" Grandpa asked then looked up at me through his glasses.

"Yep he's in the back of the car and here is your 30 million, he owes you by the way" I said then plopped down in the couch.

"Okay good I'll let Logan take care of him" he said and I nodded.

"Now I need to get myself something to eat call me if you need me grandpa" I said as I left his office. I can't believe grandpa is still in the mafia business and he's old. Even though he's still strong and doesn't really age that much only with grey hair which is weird. A lot of old people that I see have wrinkles. Even though Logan was the mafia grandpa still helps him out and so do I.




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