chapter 35

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After what happened yesterday I decided to spend the day at Zane's house, then later in the night, I went home. Now here I am laying in bed tired, I didn't feel the mood to get up but I was getting really hungry. I opened my eyes then looked around my room. The light was shining in my face and I groaned. Slowly sitting up I lazily got off my bed then walked into the bathroom. I yawned then stretched a little. Grabbing my toothbrush I brush my teeth then washed my face.  Removing all my clothes I walked over to the mirror then looked at myself. The first thing my eyes fell on was my stomach.

"Why does my belly look so big or am I seeing things" I placed my hand on my belly then pouted. "Hmm... maybe I'm eating a little too much" I paused "I need to go back to the gym again" I mumbled. Walking over to the tub I got in then relaxed, I really needed it.

After a long and relaxing bath, I walked into the closet to get dressed. A smile immediately came to my face when I saw that Zane left one of his tee-shirt. Grabbing it and my booty shorts I put it on. Leaving my room I went downstairs to the kitchen. Someone was making something in the kitchen and it smells so good. It was mom she was making something delicious. I walked up to her then leaned against the counter. "Good morning mom," I said and she leaned towards me then kissed my forehead. "What are you making?" I asked.

"Grilled cheese sandwich, bacon, eggs, and pancakes," she said and I licked my lips.

"Why do you look like that?" Mom asked as she turned towards me with one hand on her hip. I looked at her confused then looked down at myself.

"How?" I asked and she placed her hand on her chin then pursed her lip.

"Looked as if you hadn't slept in days, your hair is messy. You don't look like yourself today" she said and I cocked one eyebrow up.

"I don't see what's wrong with how I look" I shrugged and she hummed then turned her attention back to what she was doing. I walked over to the fridge then grabbed a bottle of water. Taking the cork off I placed the bottle towards my lip then began drinking the water.

"Umm..... it's like you are pregnant" she said out of nowhere and I choked on my water. It started coming through my nose and I kept on coughing.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" She asked and my eyes widen. She slowly rubbed my back and I calmed down.

"What!?" I whispered shout as she walked me over to the island. I sat down beside her then took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I don't know, are you sick?" She questioned and I nodded. "You're wearing this big shirt so you could hide it," she stated it as if it was obvious and I shook my head.

"Mom I'm not pregnant what are you talking about," I asked and she smiled. Oh god, what If I am pregnant, maybe that's why I want to pee so many times. I get nauseous and I faint sometimes. I've been going through a lot of changes but being pregnant never occurred to me. I was too focused on trying to find that stupid man and also trying to find ways in which I can tell my dad that Zane is my boyfriend. Now I'm pregnant no way, this bad, this is really bad.

"Stand up," she said and I did so, she slowly lifted my shirt and my heart started beating faster. Please don't say it, please. "Look, your baby is growing, I can see your baby bump," she said and I sat back down. Oh no, Zane and I weren't ready to have a baby. Especially Zane, I'm okay with kids but he's ruff around the edges.

"Did you not know you were pregnant?" Mom asked and I shook my head.

"No, I thought I was sick or eating too much food," I said and she laughed.

"You can take a pregnancy test, I'm so happy" she squealed "So did you tell your dad about Zane?" She asked and I shook my head while biting down on my lip. "Your dad is clueless, you need to tell him before he kills Zane," she said then stood up. "I can't believe you are pregnant," she said again.

"Who's pregnant?" Aiden asked as he walked into the kitchen. My eyes widen and I felt so embarrassed.

"No one" I quickly said and he knitted his eyebrows together then stared at me. He started laughing and I wondered why.

"Oh my god Mia you're pregnant" he almost shouted and I walked over to him then placed my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up, I'm not pregnant," I said and he just grinned at me.

"So who's the father, Jax?" He paused and I wanted to knock his teeth out "Or Oooww, I know who it is, it's Zane" he said and I punched him in the stomach. He groaned then leaned against the counter.

"Aiden stop teasing your sister and Mia don't hit him," Mom said and I sighed. I can't believe this is happening right now.

"Who told you about Zane?" I asked and he cocked one eyebrow up.

"Duh, he's my friend I'm the one that sneaks him up to your room, if it wasn't for me the guards would've caught him a long time ago and Dad would've seen him too" he grinned and I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe you are pregnant," he said then sighed.

"Who's pregnant?" Dad said as he walked into the kitchen with mason in his arms. Come on how am I not hearing when these people are coming.

"Mom is" I immediately say then turned towards her 'I'm sorry' I mouthed and she told me it was okay. "Are you?" Dad asked as his mouth fell open. Mom walked up to him then kissed his cheek.

"I thought I was but I'm not," she said and he sighed.  There was an awkward silence between us until mom broke it. "Who's hungry?" She asked and everyone nodded. Mia this is your chance you've waited too long plus your dad is in a good mood so tell him. Walking over to dad I watched Dad as he placed mason down. My mouth opened but nothing came out.

"Umm.... dad can I talk to you about something, it's important, and promise me you won't get mad at me," I told him and he cocked one eyebrow up then placed his hands on his hips.

"I don't know Mia I'll have to hear what it is first. What did you do?" He asked as I pulled him out of the kitchen. We stood in the hall where no one could hear us.

"Dad, I know you are going to be upset with me when I tell you this but I don't care so here goes, Zane and I are together," I told him and he stared at me blankly.

"What do you mean? Zane has a girlfriend" he said in a low voice.

"I'm that girlfriend dad, I love Zane, " I said and he placed his hand on his chest as if he was going to have a heart attack.

"You're kidding right?" he asked then chuckled and I shook my head while biting down on my lip. "Mia you can't be serious, I told you to stay away from him so why?" He asked.

"Dad he's not as bad as you think, I don't get why you want me to stay away from him, he's nice and caring and he's always there for me," I told him and he huffed.

"How long?" He simply asked.

"A year and a half almost 2 years now," I told him and his jaw clenched and unclenched. He looked really disappointed in me.

"You've been together for so long and yet still you acted like you guys weren't friends," he said and I looked down at the floor.

"I didn't tell you because I was scared, I tried telling you but you didn't want us to be together so what do you expect me to do!" I shouted.

"You lied to me, I don't want to talk to you right now, you are grounded. Go eat then go up to your room" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Dad I'm not 12 anymore, I'm a woman you can not ground me and by the way, I was going to go up to my room anyway," I said then folded my arms up to my chest.

"Right you are not my little princess anymore" he whispered to himself as he walked off but I heard him say it. I felt so bad but I had to tell him, now I have to tell him that I might be pregnant but that is for another day. I don't want to break his heart even more.




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