chapter 48

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Aiden stopped the car then turned towards me "here" he said as he handed me the gun. He grabbed his gun from the back then began looking around. "I'll go look for uncle Logan okay... watch my back" he said and I nodded. "I know uncle Logan lied about a few things, they maybe have the boss but we still have a few more man left" Aiden said and I nodded as I slowly got out the car. Looking around their were many dead bodies all over the place. I watched Aiden as he ran into the place and I began looking around for anyone to make sure that he was safe. I stoop down then leaned towards the car. I could hear distinct voices coming in my direction. I peaked my head out and I saw two men coming. I quickly stood up then shoot them both in the head.

This wasn't easy for me but I had to do it for my family.

"Someone it still there!" I heard someone shout and I got down on my knees. I looked around and spotted a guy standing by the door. I almost panick but I controlled myself. I quickly shot him in the foot and he feel to the ground in pain. "Find whoever it is" I heard them say and they started splitting up.

"Where are you? Please come out now Aiden" I didn't want anything to happen to Aiden and uncle Logan. I just want to go he and be with all my family. As if my prayer was answered Aiden came out with uncle Logan over his shoulder. He was struggling to carry him. Uncle Logan's body was limp and he was losing alot of blood. I quickly ran over to them to help. Grabbing uncle Logan's arm I placed it over my shoulder. As soon as we got to the car I helped Aiden put him in.

"Let's go... fast" Aiden said and I started the car. "We are losing him... we need to get to the hospital quickly because we won't make it home in time" Aiden told me and I looked down at my uncle. I was on the verge of crying but I had to save it until later. He was all beaten up I was not sure if he was going to survive.

"Take off your shirt then tear it into pieces, wrap them around his wounds so it can slowly the bleeding" I said to him and he nodded and did just that.

"Mia" Aiden called and I looked for at him for a few seconds "promise m- me promise me y- you won't blame yourself for this okay. If he doesn't make it don't blame yourself" Aiden sobbed and tears filled my eyes.

"I promise" I said and I quickly wiped it away before my vision becomes blurred. I was speeding down the highway as I tired to get to the nearest hospital.

"Mia there" Aiden said as he pointed outside. I looked away for a sec and I saw the hospital.

"I see it, I'll just make a few turns okay" I said as I turned the car.

We were finally infront of the hospital, we both quickly got out and I watched Aiden as he called for help. Three men came running towards us with a stretch bed. They placed him on it then took him away, Aiden followed him and I followed after.

"What happened to him?" One of the nurse asked.

"He got shot and he lost alot blood" I replied and he nodded.

"Excuse me you need to fill this out" the lady at the desk called and I looked at her. Sighing I walked over to her then took the clipboard. If I was home I wouldn't have to do this. I quickly filled out the form then hand it to the lady. She told me which room he was and I walked down the hall.

"Is everything?" I asked Aiden when I saw him sitting down with his head in his hand. As soon as he acknowledges he stood up.

"I don't know they told me to stay here" Aiden said and I walked up to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he buried his head into my neck.

"Every thing will be okay" I assured him and he pulled away then sat back down. I sat down beside him while waiting for the nurse to tell us if he's okay.


"What are you doing out of bed?" Lorenzo asked and I ignored his question. I looked around around the room hoping to see Mia but I didn't.

"Where is she? Where is Mia?" I asked as I hoped around on my foot.

"I don't know she was supposed to be back with Logan and Aiden" Lorenzo said with worry in his voice.

"So why are you standing here, they could be in trouble for all we know, we need to go help them" I said as I tried walking on my leg. It hurts so bad but I had to for Mia.

"I think they are okay, Rodolpho can't do them anything when he's locked up" Lorenzo said and I glared at him.

"I don't care if he's locked up, you guys were supposed to be rescuing her but ended up leaving her!" I shouted and his first clenched.

"She's with fucking Aiden and Logan they will protect her so clam the fuck down don't you think I'm worried too I want my daughter here just as bad as you... she'll be here anytime soon now go sit!" He shouted back at me and I sat down.

"I'm sorry I just want to hold her in my arms" as soon as I said this the door burst open. I turned to look if it was Mia. My heart leaped with joy when I saw that it was her I wanted to run in her arms. Her eyes locked with mine and I could see the sadness in her eyes. Aiden walked in behind her and he was sad aswell and he wasn't happy either. Mia walked up to me with tear filled eyes and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Kitty I missed you so much, I'm so happy that you are alive and okay" I said and she sobbed.

"Mia and Aiden I'm so glad that you guys came back fine" Lorenzo said as he hugged them both. "Where's Logan?" Lorenzo asked as he looked around.
I'm sorry guys I don't think Logan made it




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