chapter 45

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

My eyes flew open and I looked around my head as hurting like crazy "What happened?" I asked as I squeezed my eyes but. Realisation hit when I that I was in a cell like in prison.

"Finally you're wake" someone said and I jumped. Looking over my shoulder I saw Rodolpho walking towards me.

"Oh my god" I gasped when Zane came to my mind. He took a seat infront of me with two big guys standing beside him.

"Oh you are thinking about Zane..... he's um... dead" he faked cry then laughed in my face.

"Oh no Zane it's all my fault we shouldn't have left" I whispered to myself "you are a sadistic psycho" I spat. My heat was broken and the tears kept on coming.

"You know something Mia?" Rodolpho said "I liked you, you were such a badass bitch, killed anyone who stepped in your way. I wanted you to be mine but look at you. Looking fragile and weak what happened?" He asked as got up then slowly took steps towards me. He was right but I don't care when someone is carrying a child all she can think about is making sure her baby is safe.

"That happened, that fucking baby that's inside you, I want to hurt you so bad but I won't, not as yet" he grinned. "Where is the badass Mia that killed my men, bomb my freaking place up just to get to me, where the fuck is She, that's why  both you and Zane never stood a chance of killing me.

"Zane" I whispered to myself "I hate you and when my family finds where we are you're going to fucking die!" I shouted.

"I would watch my mouth if I were you" Dave said when he came out of no where. He walked over to Rodolpho then placed his arm on his shoulder.

"Dave you fucking traitor I thought we were friends" I said and laughed.

"No Mia, and that's why you trust no one, I'm Rodolpho brother well not his real bother but whatever, by the way I'm not gay" he smiled and I wanted slap him so bad.

"This is all my fault" I started to cry and they all laughed at me.

"Ofcourse it is your fault stupid bitch, Zane would've been alive if you didn't went to the baby store, I want you and that baby dead Mia but.... I won't kill you, Why you may ask, because I want money from your family" he said then snapped his fingers. One his men walked off and came back with a laptop in his hand. "Call her grandpa" he said as he folded his leg over the over then placed his finger towards his chin.

"Yes sir" the guy said, as soon as he was finished he placed the laptop on the desk.

"Hello my good friend" Rodolpho said as he smiled wickedly at the camera. "I have a surprise for you" he said.

"How do you get this number Rodolpho and what are you planning"  Grandpa said and I stood up then walked up to the front. Placing my hand on steel of the cell, I could feel bolt of lighting running through my body, I screamed as I  fell to the ground.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you it shocks you every time you touch it" Dave said and I should him my middle finger.

"Whose that, what's happening?" Grandpa asked.

"Grandpa!" I screamed as Rodolpho turned the laptop to face me.

"Oh god Mia" he said as tears filled his eyes. "How did they get you, Why are you in there? Where is Zane?" he said and I sunk to the floor. "I'll do anything just give her back" I said.

"Enough chit chat we got business to do nikolai" he said as he turned the laptop towards himself. "200 million and the girl is yours. I give you until 2 week, I'll keep you in contact" he said.

"Wait let me see he-" grandpa was cut off when slammed the laptop shut.

"I lied ofcourse I'm not going to give you to him, I'm going to make him go broke" he said and just sat staring at him.

"You're a sick bastard" I said and he was about to answer when one of the guards walked through the door, he whispered something in Rodolpho ear and his hands balled in a a fist, his jaw clenched and unclenched as he shut up.

"What the fuck, what does it take for you guys to bring Zane's body to me, it's not hard just pick him up, shove him the car and bring him to me so that I can gift him to Mia!" He angrily shouted. "It's been almost an hour and they still can't get here. "Let's go, I have to do everything myself" he said as he frustratedly threw his hands up in the air.

"Don't worry about feeling lonely Dave here will keep you company" he said and Dave smiled at me.  As soon as they left I walked over to the small bed in the corner. Laying down I turned my back towards him, I didn't want to see his face. I wanted to cry so  bad but I won't. Why? Because  Zane want me to cry and I wouldn't want to  put stress on the baby. But I couldn't stop the tears from coming.

"Mia" he called but I ignored him. "Look at me!" he shouted but I still ignored him. "Fucking bitch I will open this cell and forced you to" he said and I smiled. That would be nice if he did then I would fight him then strangle him to death. I could hear the keys making noise as if he was opening it. His phone started ringing and I turned my head to see what was happening.

"Are you serious I'll be there" he said then left. I spat up then look around, the room was empty and I sighed.

"So close" I said then sat back down, I hate myself sometimes, this is all my fault.




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