chapter 14

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I couldn't resist you even if I tried, I was meant to be yours

"Fine then I'll know if you're telling the truth" I trailed my had further up and stopped at the lining of her boxer. I slid my hand into her boxer and her mouth fell open.

"Z- Zane wha- what are you doing" she stuttered. I touched her and she squirmed beneath my touch. She was wet.

"Mia, now why would you lie?" I asked and her breathing increased. "This is your first time being touched, do you like it?" I asked as I circled her clt.

"Yeah" she moaned, I slipped one finger inside her then buried my head into her neck. I kissed and sucked on her sensitive flesh. I slip in another then moved my hand. "Zay" she moaned out.

"Do you want me to stop Mia?" I asked her.

"No..... please don't" she cried out. I pulled her shirt up then cupped her breast. Giving it a squeeze, she was under my control and I liked that. I began moving my hand faster and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I could tell she was coming. "Yes daddy" she cried. I knew that later she was going to be angry that I touched her but I really didn't care. I curled my finger up and she came trembling. Pulling my fingers out of her I brought them to my lips.

Mia's eyes slid shut and she took a deep breath then exhaled. "Your dream came true" I told her and she opened her eyes then glared at me.

"Do that again and I will break your fingers" she said then stood up. I chuckled then shook my head. I watched her as she walked into the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out and I placed my book down.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah, I am craving for some waffles" she said then licked her lips and I nodded "as soon as I am finish eating take me home Zane" she said and I nodded.

"So let's go downstairs" I told her and she shook her head then bit down on her lip.

"Can I stay up here I really don't want anyone to see me" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine but you know that you have to leave this room to go home" I said and she nodded then waved me off. I left the room and went downstairs to get her some waffle.

"Good morning Mrs Brown can you make some waffles please two plates" I said to the maid and she nodded then smiled. "And two cup of coffee" I said and she nodded. I left the kitchen then went up to my room. I turned the knob to my door and it was locked. "Mia" I called while knocking on the door.

"What's the password" I heard her say and I chuckled.

"Oh so you like playing games?" I smirked.

"Tell me the password and I'll opened the door" I heard her say.

"Mia I don't know the password open the door" I was getting irritated.

"You have to say, 'we are just friends and nothing more and Mia likes Dante" I knew she said that last part to piss me off and it did.

"I'm not saying that now open the door" I said then banged my fist against the door.

"You have to say it first plus I have a boyfriend already I've been meaning to tell you but I knew you wouldn't listen" she said and I got angry and kicked the door opened. I looked at her and her eyes widen. I ran towards her and she giggled while running around the room. I caught her then lift her over my shoulder. She began hitting my chest and I slapped her ass.

Throwing her down on the bed she squealed."who is Dante" I asked then held both her hands above her head. She just looked up at me then bit her lip.

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